

Cantidad de publicaciones: 8


Loría Naranjo, M., Beita-Sandí, W., 2024. Índice biológico de lodos como bioindicador en dos sistemas de tratamiento de agua residual hospitalaria en Costa Rica. UNED Research Journal 16, e5334.

Resumen: Introducción: El monitoreo biológico en los sistemas de tratamiento de aguas residuales por lodos activados ofrece resultados integrales y es una herramienta complementaria en las decisiones de control operacional. Una herramienta para ello es el Índice Biológico de Lodos (IBL), basado en protozoos, pero en Costa Rica hay pocos datos sobre este tema. Objetivo: Evaluar el IBL como herramienta de bioindicación en agua residual hospitalaria. Métodos: De febrero a abril de 2022 tomamos, en un hospital costarricense, un total 36 muestras de un sistema de tratamiento por lodos activados Convencional y de un Biorreactor de Membrana (MBR). Resultados: La eficiencia de remoción del DBO y DQO fue mayor en el MBR, sin embargo, en ambos casos la eficiencia fue alta (mayor al 85%), y esto se relaciona con los altos valores de IBL. La eficiencia de remoción nitrógeno no superó el 50% (MBR). Ningún parámetro ambiental tuvo correlación con los valores de IBL, pero la edad del lodo afectó el valor de IBL. Conclusión: Tanto en el sistema de tratamiento convencional como en el MBR, los valores promedio de IBL demuestran un buen desempeño y una alta calidad de los lodos activados.

Lizano-Fallas, V., Carrasco del Amor, A., Cristobal, S., 2024. Predictive toxicology of chemical mixtures using proteome-wide thermal profiling and protein target properties. Chemosphere 364.

Abstract: Our capability to predict the impact of exposure to chemical mixtures on environmental and human health is limited in comparison to the advances on the chemical characterization of the exposome. Current approaches, such as new approach methodologies, rely on the characterization of the chemicals and the available toxicological knowledge of individual compounds. In this study, we show a new methodological approach for theassessment of chemical mixtures based on a proteome-wide identification of the protein targets and revealing the relevance of new targets based on their role in the cellular function. We applied a proteome integral solubility alteration assay to identify 24 protein targets from a chemical mixture of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin, alpha-endosulfan, and bisphenol A among the HepG2 soluble proteome, and validated the chemical mixture-target interaction orthogonally. To define the range of interactive capability of the new targets, the data from intrinsic properties of the targets were retrieved. Introducing the target properties as criteria for a multi-criteria decision-making analysis called the analytical hierarchy process, the prioritization of targets was based on their involvement in multiple pathways. This methodological approach that we present here opens a more realistic and achievable scenario to address the impact of complex and uncharacterized chemical mixtures in biological systems.
Montiel-Mora, J.R., Méndez-Rivera, M., Ramírez-Morales, D., Cambronero-Heinrichs, J.C., Rodríguez-Rodríguez, C.E., 2024. Toxicity of selected pharmaceuticals and their mixtures to the aquatic indicators Daphnia magna and Aliivibrio fischeri. Ecotoxicology.
Abstract: Despite the benefits derived from the use of pharmaceuticals, these compounds are currently considered contaminants of emerging concern because of their presence and persistence in the environment. This study aimed to determine the toxicity of 27 pharmaceuticals and the interaction effects of binary mixtures of selected compounds towards two model organisms: the microcrustacean Daphnia magna and the bacterium Aliivibrio fischeri (Microtox test). Six compounds, namely polymyxin B, polymyxin E, fluoxetine, diphenhydramine, clenbuterol and ketoprofen exhibited moderate toxicity towards D. magna. Additionally, three compounds (cefotaxime, polymyxin B, polymyxin E) also showed a moderate toxic effect on A. fischeri. The comparison of such results with model estimations showed inaccuracy in the predicted data, highlighting the relevance of experimental ecotoxicological assays. The assayed mixtures contained four selected drugs of high-hazard according to their reported concentrations in wastewater and surface water (diphenhydramine, trimethoprim, ketoprofen, and fluoxetine); data revealed interactions only in the fluoxetine-containing mixtures for D. magna, while all mixtures showed interactions (mostly synergistic) for Microtox. Chronic effects on the reproduction of D. magna were observed after exposure to fluoxetine and diphenhydramine, although higher sensitivity was determined for the latter, while the mixture of these compounds (which showed acute synergy in both models) also affected the reproduction patterns. Nonetheless, all the effects described at the acute or chronic level (for individual compounds or mixtures) were determined at concentrations higher than commonly reported at environmental levels. This work provides valuable ecotoxicological information for the risk assessment of pharmaceuticals and their mixtures in the environment.
Pérez-Castillo, A.G., Giraldo-Sanclemente, W., Monge-Muñoz, M., Chinchilla-Soto, C., Alpízar-Marín, M., Zaman, M., 2024. Rice yield in Costa Rican Central Pacific did not improve with a urease inhibitor. Frontiers in Agronomy 6.
Abstract: Urea is widely used as nitrogen (N) source for rice fertilization in Costa Rica, despite its low efficiency linked to ammonia losses. To assess urea management alternatives, two field experiments were conducted in the Central Pacific region of Costa Rica to study the effect of N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamide (NBPT) on rice yield and N use efficiency (NUE). In Experiment 1 (Exp1) three tillage treatments (commercial-CT-, reduced-RT-, and reduced tillage with previous subsoiler-RTS-) were evaluated with three N managements: control (without N), urea at 124 kg N ha-1 with and without NBPT. In Experiment 2 (Exp2), a 100 kg N ha-1 rate (with and without NPBT) was evaluated along with a control (without N). NUE was estimated using 15N urea isotopic labeling technique for both trials. In Exp1, a significant difference of 4.8% in NUE for grain was observed among urea with and without NBPT, but no tillage effect was observed. No statistically significant differences were observed in yield among the fertilization treatments (Exp1: 3.56 ± 0.98 t ha-1 for urea and 3.85 ± 0.85 t ha-1 for urea with NBPT; Exp2: 3.38 ± 0.39 t ha-1 for urea and 3.40 ± 0.58 t ha-1 for urea with NBPT) or due to different tillage practices (CT: 3.33 ± 0.79 t ha-1, RT: 3.56 ± 0.74 t ha-1, and RTS: 4.23 ± 0.98 t ha-1). Although the NBPT is a viable option to reduce ammonia losses, its adoption in tropical conditions might be restricted by the small impact on yield.

Pérez-Castillo, A.G., Monge-Muñoz, M., Durán-Quesada, A.M. et al. (2024). Vegetation and Peat Soil Characteristics of a Fire-Impacted Tropical Peatland in Costa Rica. Wetlands 44, 41. 

Red REMARCO: ciencia y comunicación en el abordaje de estresores marino-costeros

Brenes-Alfaro, L. y Carrasco-Palma, D. (2024). Red REMARCO: ciencia y comunicación en el abordaje de estresores marino-costeros. JCOM – América Latina 07 (01), N02.

Toward a More Comprehensive Approach for Dissolved Organic Matter Chemical Characterization Using an Orbitrap Fusion Tribrid Mass Spectrometer Coupled with Ion and Liquid Chromatography Techniques

Bergmann, D., Matarrita-Rodríguez, J., Abdulla, H. Toward a More Comprehensive Approach for Dissolved Organic Matter Chemical Characterization Using an Orbitrap Fusion Tribrid Mass Spectrometer Coupled with Ion and Liquid Chromatography Techniques.

Pharmaceuticals, hazard and ecotoxicity in surface and wastewater in a tropical dairy production area in Latin America

Ramírez-Morales, D., Masís-Mora, M., Montiel-Mora, J. R., Méndez-Rivera, M., Gutiérrez-Quirós, J. A., Brenes-Alfaro, L., & Rodríguez-Rodríguez, C. E. Pharmaceuticals, hazard and ecotoxicity in surface and wastewater in a tropical dairy production area in Latin America. Chemosphere, 346, 140443. (2024).

Cantidad de publicaciones: 9

Erwiniaceae bacteria play defensive and nutritional roles in two widespread ambrosia beetles

Cambronero-Heinrichs, J. C., Battisti, A., Biedermann, P. H., Cavaletto, G., Castro-Gutierrez, V., Favaro, L., Santoiemma, G., Rassati, D. Erwiniaceae bacteria play defensive and nutritional roles in two widespread ambrosia beetles. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 99(12), fiad144. (2023).

Prediction of Molecular Initiating Events for Adverse Outcome Pathways Using High-Throughput Identification of Chemical Targets

Lizano-Fallas, V., Carrasco del Amor, A., Cristobal, S. Prediction of Molecular Initiating Events for Adverse Outcome Pathways Using High-Throughput Identification of Chemical Targets. Toxics 2023, 11, 189.

Nonionic Surfactants can Modify the Thermal Stability of Globular and Membrane Proteins Interfering with the Thermal Proteome Profiling Principles to Identify Protein Targets

Berlin, E., Lizano-Fallas, V., Carrasco del Amor, A., Fresnedo, O., Cristobal, S. Nonionic Surfactants Can Modify the Thermal Stability of Globular and Membrane Proteins Interfering with the Thermal Proteome Profiling Principles to Identify Protein Targets. Anal. Chem. 2023, 95, 4033– 4042.

On-farm Occurrence of Pharmaceuticals and Their Environmental Hazard: Case Study of a Tropical Dairy farm

Méndez-Rivera, M., Montiel-Mora, J.R., Ramírez-Morales, D. et al. On-farm Occurrence of Pharmaceuticals and Their Environmental Hazard: Case Study of a Tropical Dairy farm. Bull Environ Contam Toxicol 111, 51 (2023).

On-Farm Removal of Pesticides: Current Insights on Biopurification Systems

Rodríguez-Rodríguez, C.E., Rodríguez-Saravia, S. 2023. On-farm removal of pesticides: current insights on biopurification systems. Sci. Technol. 3, 601-615. DOI: 10.1021/acsagscitech.2c00337

Occurrence and risk assessment of pharmaceuticals in hospital wastewater in Costa Rica

Rodríguez-Rodríguez, C.E., Ramírez-Morales, D., Masis-Mora, M., Montiel-Mora, J.R., Soto-Garita, C., Araya-Valverde, E., Cambronero-Heinrichs, J.C., Sànchez-Melsió, A., Briceño-Guevara, S., Mendez-Rivera, M., Balcázar, J.L. 2023. Occurrence and risk assessment of pharmaceuticals in hospital effluents in Costa Rica. Chemosphere, 339, 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2023.139746

Wastewater-based epidemiology for surveillance of infectious diseases in healthcare settings

Hassard, F., Bajón-Fernández, Y., Castro-Gutierrez, V. 2023. Wastewater-based epidemiology for surveillance of infectious diseases in healthcare settings. Current opinion in infectious diseases. 36(4):p 288-295, August 2023. | DOI: a href=»″>10.1097/QCO.0000000000000929

Wastewater monitoring for detection of public health markers during the COVID-19 pandemic: Near-source monitoring of schools in England over an academic year

Hassard, F., Vu, M., Rahimzadeh, S., Castro-Gutierrez, V., Stanton, I., et. al. 2023. Wastewater monitoring for detection of public health markers during the COVID-19 pandemic: Near-source monitoring of schools in England over an academic year. Plos one, 18(5), e0286259.

Ecotoxicity of pesticide formulations and their mixtures: the case of potato crops in Costa Rica

Méndez-Rivera, M., Ramírez-Morales, D., Montiel-Mora, J.R. et al. Ecotoxicity of pesticide formulations and their mixtures: the case of potato crops in Costa Rica. Ecotoxicology 32, 383–393 (2023).

Cantidad de publicaciones: 14

Single and mixture toxicity of selected pharmaceuticals to the aquatic macrophyte Lemna minor

Ramírez-Morales, D., Fajardo-Romero, D., Rodríguez-Rodríguez, C. E., & Cedergreen, N. (2022). Single and mixture toxicity of selected pharmaceuticals to the aquatic macrophyte Lemna minor. Ecotoxicology, 1-11. DOI:

Biopurification Systems: Current Advances and Future Prospects of On-Farm Biodegradation of Pesticides

Rodríguez-Rodríguez, C. E., Cambronero-Heinrichs, J. C., Castro-Gutiérrez, V., & Tortella, G. R. (2021). Biopurification Systems: Current Advances and Future Prospects of On-Farm Biodegradation of Pesticides. Pesticides in Soils: Occurrence, Fate, Control and Remediation, 287-315. DOI: 10.1007/698_2021_798

Use of organic fertilizers in solar photo-Fenton process as potential technology to remove pineapple processing wastewater in Costa Rica

Dayatri Vanessa Bolaños Picado, D.V., Mario Masis Mora, M., Duran Herrera, E., Pérez Mercado, L.F., López Vinent, N., Cruz Alcalde. A., Alvarez Caero, M.M., Rodríguez Rodríguez, C.E., Sans Mazón, C. Use of organic fertilizers in solar photo-Fenton process as potential technology to remove pineapple processing wastewater in Costa Rica [version 1; peer review: 1 approved]. Open Res Europe 2022, 2:105. DOI: 10.12688/openreseurope.14997.1

Water consumption by agriculture in Latin America and the Caribbean: impact of climate change and applications of nuclear and isotopic techniques

Salazar, Osvaldo; Chinchilla-Soto, Cristina; de los Santos-Villalobos, Sergio; Ayala, Marisol; Benavides, Luciano; Berriel, Verónica; Cardoso, Renan; Chavarrí, Eduardo; Meigikos dos Anjos, Roberto; González, Alba Liz; Nario, Adriana; Samudio, Antonio; Villarreal, José; Sibello-Hernández, Rita; Govan, Joseph; Heng, Lee (2022). Water consumption by agriculture in Latin America and the Caribbean: impact of climate change and applications of nuclear and isotopic techniques.Int. J. Agric. Nat. Resour.49(1):14-20. DOI: 10.7764/ijanr.v49i1.2342

Contrasting Effects of Nitrogen and Labile Carbon Addition on N2O Emissions from Andosols in Costa Rica and Chile Under Controlled Conditions

Chinchilla‑Soto, C; Alfaro, M. A.; Bertsch, F.; Perez‑Castillo, A. G. (2022). Contrasting Effects of Nitrogen and Labile Carbon Addition on N2O Emissions from Andosols in Costa Rica and Chile Under Controlled Conditions. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 22, pages3625–3635. DOI:10.1007/s42729-022-00915-8

Dissemination of metaldehyde catabolic pathways is driven by mobile genetic elements in Proteobacteria

Castro-Gutiérrez, V.M., Fuller, E., Garcillán-Barcia, M.P., Helgason, T., Hassard, F., Moir, J.W. (2022). Dissemination of metaldehyde catabolic pathways is driven by mobile genetic elements in Proteobacteria. Microbial Genomics, 2022;8:000881

First insights into the prokaryotic community structure of Lake Cote, Costa Rica: influence on nutrient cycling

Brenes-Guillén, L., Vidaurre-Barahona, D., Avilés-Vargas, L., Castro-Gutierrez, V., Gómez-Ramírez, E., Gónzalez-Sánchez, K., Mora-López, M., Umaña-Villalobos, G., Uribe-Lorío, L. & Hassard, F. (2022). First insights into the prokaryotic community structure of Lake Cote, Costa Rica: influence on nutrient cycling. Frontiers in Microbiology, 13:941897. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2022.941897

Effects of the insecticide β-endosulfan on tadpoles of Isthmohyla pseudopuma (Anura: Hylidae)

Méndez-Rivera, Michael; Mena, Freylan; Pinnock-Branford, Margaret; Ruepert, Clemens; Barquero, Marco D.; Jiménez, Randall R.; Alvarado, Gilbert. (2022). Effects of the insecticide β-endosulfan on tadpoles of Isthmohyla pseudopuma (Anura: Hylidae). Aquatic Toxicology, Vol 250.

Fast removal and detoxification of oxytetracycline, triazine and organophosphate pesticides in a biopurification system

Marta E. Pérez-Villanueva, Mario Masís-Mora, Emanuel Araya-Valverde, Carlos E. Rodríguez-Rodríguez. (2022). Fast removal and detoxification of oxytetracycline, triazine and organophosphate pesticides in a biopurification system, Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, 44.

Occurrence of Banned and Currently Used Herbicides, in Groundwater of Northern Greece: A Human Health Risk Assessment Approach

Parlakidis, P.; Rodriguez, M.S.; Gikas, G.D.; Alexoudis, C.; Perez‐Rojas, G.; Perez‐Villanueva, M.; Carrera, A.P.; Fernández‐Cirelli, A.; Vryzas, Z. Occurrence of Banned and Currently Used Herbicides, in Groundwater of Northern Greece: A Human Health Risk Assessment Approach. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 8877.

Monitoring occurrence of SARS-CoV-2 in school populations: A wastewater-based approach

Castro-Gutierrez, V. M., Hassard F, Vu M, Leitao R, Burczynska B, Wildeboer D, et al. (2022) Monitoring occurrence of SARS-CoV-2 in school populations: A wastewater-based approach. PLoS ONE 17(6): e0270168.

Bioaugmentation of pilot-scale slow sand filters can achieve compliant levels for the micropollutant metaldehyde in a real water matrix.

Castro-Gutierrez, V. M., Pickering, L., Cambronero-Heinrichs, J. C., Holden, B., Haley, J., Jarvis, P., Jefferson, B., Helgason, T., Moir, J. W. & Hassard, F. (2022). Bioaugmentation of pilot-scale slow sand filters can achieve compliant levels for the micropollutant metaldehyde in a real water matrix. Water Research, 118071.

Probe-based qPCR assay enables the rapid and specific detection of bacterial degrading genes for the pesticide metaldehyde in soil

Castro-Gutierrez, V. M., Hassard, F., & Moir, J. W. B. (2022). Probe-based qPCR assay enables the rapid and specific detection of bacterial degrading genes for the pesticide metaldehyde in soil. Journal of Microbiological Methods, 195, 106447.

Tolerance and Biological Removal of Fungicides by Trichoderma Species Isolated From the Endosphere of Wild Rubiaceae Plants.

Escudero-Leyva, Efraín; Alfaro-Vargas, Pamela; Muñoz-Arrieta, Rodrigo; Charpentier-Alfaro, Camila; Granados-Montero, María del Milagro; Valverde-Madrigal, Katherine S.; Pérez-Villanueva, Marta; Méndez-Rivera, Michael; Rodríguez-Rodríguez, Carlos E.; Chaverri; Priscila; Mora-Villalobos. J. Aníbal. (2022). Tolerance and Biological Removal of Fungicides by Trichoderma Species Isolated From the Endosphere of Wild Rubiaceae Plants. Front. Agron. 3:772170. doi: 10.3389/fagro.2021.772170

Cantidad de publicaciones: 19

Systematic analysis of chemical-protein interactions from zebrafish embryo by proteome-wide thermal shift assay, bridging the gap between molecular interactions and toxicity pathways

Lizano-Fallas, V., Del Amor, A. C., Cristobal, S. Systematic analysis of chemical-protein interactions from zebrafish embryo by proteome-wide thermal shift assay, bridging the gap between molecular interactions and toxicity pathways. J. Proteomics 2021, 249, 104382.

Implementación de una estrategia de comunicación para posicionar las buenas prácticas agrícolas (BPA): el caso de los productores de piña de la zona norte de Costa Rica

Brenes-Alfaro, L. M., Rodríguez-Rodríguez, D., & Quesada-Acuña, C. (2021). Implementación de una estrategia de comunicación para posicionar las buenas prácticas agrícolas (BPA): el caso de los productores de piña de la zona norte de Costa Rica/Implementation of a communication strategy to adopt good agricultural practices (GAP). Revista Internacional de Relaciones Públicas, 11(22), 49-74.

An integrative water quality evaluation in two surface water bodies from a tropical agricultural region in Cartago, Costa Rica

Pérez-Villanueva, M. E., Chin-Pampillo, J. S., Aguilar-Mora, P., Guzmán, A. P., Masís-Mora, M., Arias-Mora, V., & Ramírez-Morales, D. (2021). An integrative water quality evaluation in two surface water bodies from a tropical agricultural region in Cartago, Costa Rica. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-13.

Investigation of pharmaceuticals in a conventional wastewater treatment plant: Removal efficiency, seasonal variation and impact of a nearby hospital

Bijlsma, L., Pitarch, E., Fonseca, E., Ibáñez, M., Botero, A. M., Claros, J., Pastor, L. & Hernández, F. (2021). Investigation of pharmaceuticals in a conventional wastewater treatment plant: Removal efficiency, seasonal variation and impact of a nearby hospital. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 9(4), 105548.

Investigation of pesticides and their transformation products in the Júcar River Hydrographical Basin (Spain) by wide-scope high-resolution mass spectrometry screening

Fonseca, E., Renau-Pruñonosa, A., Ibáñez, M., Gracia-Lor, E., Estrela, T., Jiménez, S., Pérez-Martín, M., González, F., Hernández, F. & Morell, I. (2019). Investigation of pesticides and their transformation products in the Júcar River Hydrographical Basin (Spain) by wide-scope high-resolution mass spectrometry screening. Environmental research, 177, 108570.

Ecological risk assessment of pesticides in the Mijares River (eastern Spain) impacted by citrus production using wide-scope screening and target quantitative analysis

Bijlsma, L., Pitarch, E., Hernández, F., Fonseca, E., Marín, J. M., Ibáñez, M., Portolés, T., & Rico, A. (2021). Ecological risk assessment of pesticides in the Mijares River (eastern Spain) impacted by citrus production using wide-scope screening and target quantitative analysis. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 412, 125277.

Multi-residue analysis of pharmaceuticals in water samples by liquid chromatography- mass spectrometry: Quality assessment and application to the risk assessment of urban-influenced surface waters in a metropolitan area of Central America

Ramírez-Morales, D., Masís-Mora, M., Montiel-Mora, J. R., Cambronero-Heinrichs, J. C., Pérez-Rojas, G., Tormo-Budowski, R., Tormo-Budowski, R., Méndez-Rivera, M., Briceño-Guevara, S., Gutiérrez-Quirós, J., Arias-Mora, V., Brenes-Alfaro, L., Beita-Sandí, W., & Rodríguez-Rodríguez, C. E. (2021). Multiresidue analysis of pharmaceuticals in water samples by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry: quality assessment and application to the risk assessment of urban-influenced surface waters in a metropolitan area of Central America. Process Safety and Environmental Protection.

Environmental monitoring and risk assessment in a tropical Costa Rican catchment under the influence of melon and watermelon crop pesticides.

Rodríguez-Rodríguez, C. E., Matarrita, J., Herrero-Nogareda, L., Pérez-Rojas, G., Alpízar-Marín, M., Chinchilla-Soto, C., Pérez-Villanueva, M., Vega-Méndez, D., Masís-Mora, M., Cedergreen, N. & Carazo-Rojas, E. (2021). Environmental monitoring and risk assessment in a tropical Costa Rican catchment under the influence of melon and watermelon crop pesticides. Environmental Pollution, 117498.

Simultaneous degradation of pharmaceuticals in fixed and fluidized bed reactors using iron-modified diatomite as heterogeneous Fenton catalyst.

Ulloa-Ovares, D., Rodríguez-Rodríguez, C. E., Masís-Mora, M., & Durán, J. E. (2021). Simultaneous degradation of pharmaceuticals in fixed and fluidized bed reactors using iron-modified diatomite as heterogeneous Fenton catalyst. Process Safety and Environmental Protection.

First evidence for an aposematic function of a very common color pattern in small insects

Mora-Castro, R., Alfaro-Córdoba, M., Hernández-Jiménez, M., Fernández Otárola, M., Méndez-Rivera, M., Ramírez-Morales, D., Rodríguez-Rodríguez, C., Andrés Durán-Rodríguez, A. & Hanson, P. E. (2021). First evidence for an aposematic function of a very common color pattern in small insects. PloS one, 16(2), e0237288.

Effects of the nitrification inhibitor nitrapyrin and tillage practices on yield-scaled nitrous oxide emission from a maize field in Iran

Borzouei, A., Mander, U., Teemusk, A., Alberto, S. C., Zaman, M., Dong-Gill, K. I. M., Kim, D., Muller, C., Kelestanie, A. Sayyadamin, P., Moghiseh, E., Dawar, K. & Pérez-Castillo, A. G. (2021). Effects of the nitrification inhibitor nitrapyrin and tillage practices on yield-scaled nitrous oxide emission from a maize field in Iran. Pedosphere, 31(2), 314-322.

Nitrification inhibitor nitrapyrin does not affect yield-scaled nitrous oxide emissions in a tropical grassland

Pérez-Castillo, A. G., Chinchilla-Soto, C., Elizondo-Salazar, J. A., Barboza, R., Dong-Gill, K. I. M., Müller, C., Sanz-Cobena, A., Borzouei, A., Dawar, K. & Zaman, M. (2021). Nitrification inhibitor nitrapyrin does not affect yield-scaled nitrous oxide emissions in a tropical grassland. Pedosphere, 31(2), 265-278.

Effects of the nitrification inhibitor nitrapyrin and the plant growth regulator gibberellic acid on yield-scale nitrous oxide emission in maize fields under hot climatic conditions

Dawar, K., Sardar, K., Zaman, M., Mueller, C., Sanz-Cobena, A., Khan, A., Borzquei, A. & Pérez-Castillo, A. G. (2021). Effects of the nitrification inhibitor nitrapyrin and the plant growth regulator gibberellic acid on yield-scale nitrous oxide emission in maize fields under hot climatic conditions. Pedosphere, 31(2), 323-331.

Using the Nitrification Inhibitor Nitrapyrin in Dairy Farm Effluents Does Not Improve Yield-Scaled Nitrous Oxide and Ammonia Emissions but Reduces Methane Flux

Pérez-Castillo, A. G., Arrieta-Méndez, J., Elizondo-Salazar, J. A., Monge-Muñoz, M., Zaman, M., & Cobeña, A. S. (2021). Using the nitrification inhibitor nitrapyrin in dairy farm effluents does not improve yield-scaled nitrous oxide and ammonia emissions but reduces methane flux. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 5, 47.

Pharmaceuticals in farms and surrounding surface water bodies: hazard and ecotoxicity in a swine production area in Costa Rica.

Ramírez-Morales, D., Masís-Mora, M., Beita-Sandí W., Montiel-Mora, J.R., Fernández-Fernández, E., Méndez-Rivera, M., Arias-Mora, V., Leiva-Salas, A., Brenes-Alfaro, L. Rodríguez-Rodríguez, C.E. Pharmaceuticals in farms and surrounding surface water bodies: hazard and ecotoxicity in a swine production area in Costa Rica. Chemosphere 272, 129574

Nitrapyrin effectiveness in reducing nitrous oxide emissions decreased at low doses of urea in an Andosol.

Monge-Muñoz, M., Urquiaga, S., Mueller, C., Cambronero-Heinrichs, J.C., Zaman, M., Chinchilla-Soto, C., Borzouei, A., Dawar, K., Rodríguez-Rodríguez, C.E., Pérez-Castillo, A.G. 2021. Nitrapyrin effectiveness in reducing nitrous oxide emissions decreased at low doses of urea in an Andosol. Pedosphere 31, 303-313.

Using Molecular Methods to Identify and Monitor Xenobiotic-Degrading Genes for Bioremediation.

Fuller, E., Castro-Gutiérrez, V., Cambronero-Heinrichs, JC., Rodríguez-Rodríguez, C.E. Using Molecular Methods to Identify and Monitor Xenobiotic-Degrading Genes for Bioremediation. In: Bidoia, ED and Montagnolli, RN. (eds). Biodegradation, Pollutants and Bioremediation Principles. CRC Press/Taylor & Francis Group, Avingdon, UK.

Selective-enrichment as a Tool to Obtain Microbial Degrading Consortia for the Remediation of Pesticide Residues.

Rodríguez-Rodríguez, C.E., Cambronero-Heinrichs, JC., Fuller, E., Castro-Gutiérrez, V. 2021. Selective-enrichment as a Tool to Obtain Microbial Degrading Consortia for the Remediation of Pesticide Residues. In: Bidoia, ED and Montagnolli, RN. (eds). Biodegradation, Pollutants and Bioremediation Principles,. CRC Press/Taylor & Francis Group, Avingdon, UK.

Removal of pharmaceuticals and ecotoxicological changes in wastewater using Trametes versicolor: A comparison of fungal stirred tank and trickle-bed bioreactors

Rebeca Tormo-Budowski, Juan Carlos Cambronero-Heinrichs, J. Esteban Durán, Mario Masís-Mora, Didier Ramírez-Morales, José Pablo Quirós-Fournier, Carlos E. Rodríguez-Rodríguez, (2021). Removal of pharmaceuticals and ecotoxicological changes in wastewater using Trametes versicolor: A comparison of fungal stirred tank and trickle-bed bioreactors. Chemical Engineering Journal,Volume 410, 128210. ISSN 1385-8947,

Cantidad de publicaciones: 13

Validation of a methodology by LC-MS/MS for the determination of triazine, triazole and organophosphate pesticide residues in biopurification systems

Masís-Mora, M., Beita-Sandí, W., Rodríguez-Yáñez, J., & Rodríguez-Rodríguez, C. E. (2020). Validation of a methodology by LC-MS/MS for the determination of triazine, triazole and organophosphate pesticide residues in biopurification systems. Journal of Chromatography B, 1156, 122296.

Extended suspect screening to identify contaminants of emerging concern in riverine and coastal ecosystems and assessment of environmental risks

Čelić, M., Jaén-Gil, A., Briceño-Guevara, S., Rodriguez-Mozaz, S., Gros, M., & Petrović, M. (2020). Extended suspect screening to identify contaminants of emerging concern in riverine and coastal ecosystems and assessment of environmental risks. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 124102.

Fresh biochar application provokes a reduction of nitrate which is unexplained by conventional mechanisms

Llovet, A., Mattana, S., Chin-Pampillo, J., Otero, N., Carrey, R., Mondini, C., Gascóh, G., Martí, E., Margalef, R., Alcañiz, J., Domene, X. & Ribas, A.(2020). Fresh biochar application provokes a reduction of nitrate which is unexplained by conventional mechanisms. Science of The Total Environment, 142430.

Pesticide occurrence and water quality assessment from an agriculturally influenced Latin-American tropical region

Ramírez-Morales, D., Pérez-Villanueva, M. E., Chin-Pampillo, J. S., Aguilar-Mora, P., Arias-Mora, V., & Masís-Mora, M. (2020). Pesticide Occurrence and Water Quality Assessment from an Agriculturally Influenced Latin-American Tropical Region. Chemosphere, 127851.

Occurrence of pharmaceuticals, hazard assessment and ecotoxicological evaluation of wastewater treatment plants in Costa Rica

Ramírez-Morales, D., Masis-Mora, M., Montiel-Mora, J. R., Cambronero-Heinrichs, J. C., Briceño-Guevara, S., Rojas-Sánchez, C. E., Méndez-Rivera, M., Arias-Mora, V., Tormo-Budowski, R., Brenes-Alfaro, L. & Rodríguez-Rodríguez, C. E. (2020). Occurrence of pharmaceuticals, hazard assessment and ecotoxicological evaluation of WWTPs in Costa Rica. Science of The Total Environment, 141200.

Removal of cimetidine, ketoprofen and naproxen by heterogeneous catalytic ozonation over volcanic sand at low pH

Sáenz-Roblero, B., Durán, J. E., Masís-Mora, M., Ramírez-Morales, D., & Rodríguez-Rodríguez, C. E. (2020). Removal of cimetidine, ketoprofen and naproxen by heterogeneous catalytic ozonation over volcanic sand at low pH. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 37, 101461.

Widespread tropical agrowastes as novel feedstocks for biochar production: characterization and priority environmental uses

Chin-Pampillo, J.S., Alfaro-Vargas, A., Rojas, R., Giacomelli, C.E., Perez-Villanueva, M., Chinchilla-Soto, C., Alcañiz, J.M. & Domene, X. (2020). Widespread tropical agrowastes as novel feedstocks for biochar production: characterization and priority environmental uses. Biomass Conv. Bioref.

Physicochemical and isotopic (δ18 O and δ2 H) characterization of the northern region of Tempisque aquifer, Costa Rica

Ordoñez-Olivares, A. & Beita-Sandí, W. (2020). Physicochemical and isotopic (δ18 O and δ2 H) characterization of the northern region of Tempisque aquifer, Costa Rica. UNED Research Journal, 12(1): e2588.

Impaired pesticide removal and detoxification by biomixtures during the simulated pesticide application cycle of a tropical agricultural system.

Acosta-Sánchez, A., Soto-Garita, C., Masís-Mora, M., Cambronero-Heinrichs, J. C., & Rodríguez-Rodríguez, C. E. (2020). Impaired pesticide removal and detoxification by biomixtures during the simulated pesticide application cycle of a tropical agricultural system. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 195, 110460.

Ecotoxicological test based on inhibition of fungal laccase activity: Application to agrochemicals and the monitoring of pesticide degradation processes.

Chan-Cheng, M., Cambronero-Heinrichs, J. C., Masís-Mora, M., & Rodríguez-Rodríguez, C. E. (2020). Ecotoxicological test based on inhibition of fungal laccase activity: Application to agrochemicals and the monitoring of pesticide degradation processes. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 195, 110419.

Pesticide dissipation capacity of an organic biomixture used in the agriculture exposed to copper oxychloride

Tortella, G. R., Cuozzo, S., Diez, M. C., Rodríguez-Rodríguez, C. E., Durán, P., Masís-Mora, M. & Rubilar, O. (2019). Pesticide dissipation capacity of an organic biomixture used in the agriculture exposed to copper oxychloride. Ecotoxicology and environmental safety, 190, 110121.

Genomic basis for pesticide degradation revealed by selection, isolation and characterisation of a library of metaldehyde-degrading strains from soil

Castro-Gutiérrez, V., Fuller, E., Thomas, J. C., Sinclair, C. J., Johnson, S., Helgason, T., & Moir, J. W. (2020). Genomic basis for pesticide degradation revealed by selection, isolation and characterisation of a library of metaldehyde-degrading strains from soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 107702.

A methane sink in the Central American high elevation páramo: Topographic, soil moisture and vegetation effects

Chai, L. L., Hernandez-Ramirez, G., Hik, D. S., Barrio, I. C., Frost, C. M., Soto, C. C., & Esquivel-Hernández, G. (2020). A methane sink in the Central American high elevation páramo: Topographic, soil moisture and vegetation effects. Geoderma, 362, 114092.

Cantidad de publicaciones: 10

Effect of bromide on NDMA formation during chloramination of model precursor compounds and natural waters

Beita-Sandí, W., Erdem, C. U., & Karanfil, T. (2019). Effect of bromide on NDMA formation during chloramination of model precursor compounds and natural waters. Water Research, 115323.

Fungal and Bacterial Co-Bioaugmentation of a Pesticide-Degrading Biomixture: Pesticide Removal and Community Structure Variations during Different Treatments

Castro-Gutiérrez, V., Masís-Mora, M., Carazo-Rojas, E., Mora-López, M., & Rodríguez-Rodríguez, C. E. (2019). Fungal and Bacterial Co-Bioaugmentation of a Pesticide-Degrading Biomixture: Pesticide Removal and Community Structure Variations during Different Treatments. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 230(10), 247.

Investigation of pesticides and their transformation products in the Júcar River Hydrographical Basin (Spain) by wide-scope high-resolution mass spectrometry screening

Fonseca, E., Renau-Pruñonosa, A., Ibáñez, M., Gracia-Lor, E., Estrela, T., Jiménez, S., … & Morell, I. (2019). Investigation of pesticides and their transformation products in the Júcar River Hydrographical Basin (Spain) by wide-scope high-resolution mass spectrometry screening. Environmental research, 177, 108570.

Simultaneous removal of neonicotinoid insecticides by a microbial degrading consortium: Detoxification at reactor scale

Rodríguez-Castillo, G., Molina-Rodríguez, M., Cambronero-Heinrichs, J. C., Quirós-Fournier, J. P., Lizano-Fallas, V., Jiménez-Rojas, C., … & Rodríguez-Rodríguez, C. E. (2019). Simultaneous removal of neonicotinoid insecticides by a microbial degrading consortium: Detoxification at reactor scale. Chemosphere.

Removal of triazines, triazoles and organophophates in biomixtures and application of a biopurification system for the treatment of laboratory wastewaters

Masís-Mora, M., Lizano-Fallas, V., Tortella, G., Beita-Sandí, W., & Rodríguez-Rodríguez, C. E. (2019). Removal of triazines, triazoles and organophophates in biomixtures and application of a biopurification system for the treatment of laboratory wastewaters. Chemosphere.

Sorption Parameters of Carbendazim and Iprodione in the Presence of Copper Nanoparticles in Two Different Soils
Tortella, G. R., Rubilar, O., Cea, M., Rodríguez-Rodríguez, C., Seguel, A., & Parada, J. (2019). Sorption Parameters of Carbendazim and Iprodione in the Presence of Copper Nanoparticles in Two Different Soils. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 1-8.

Chapter 7 – Removal of Emerging Pollutants by Fungi Elimination of Antibiotics

Rodriguez-Rodriguez, C. E., Cambronero-Heinrichs, J. C., Beita-Sandí, W., y Durán, J. E. (2019). Removal of Emerging Pollutants by Fungi Elimination of Antibiotics. En Campocosio, A. T., & Santiesteban, H. H. L. (2019). Fungal Bioremediation: Fundamentals and Applications (pp.). CRC Press.

Release of Nitrosamines and Nitrosamine Precursors from Scrap Tires

Beita-Sandí, W., Selbes, M., Ersan, M. S., & Karanfil, T. (2019). Release of Nitrosamines and Nitrosamine Precursors from Scrap Tires. Environmental Science & Technology Letters.

Phylogenetic analyses of antibiotic-producing Streptomyces sp. isolates obtained from the stingless-bee Tetragonisca angustula (Apidae: Meliponini).

Cambronero-Heinrichs, J. C., Matarrita-Carranza, B., Murillo-Cruz, C., Araya-Valverde, E., Chavarría, M., & Pinto-Tomás, A. A. (2019). Phylogenetic analyses of antibiotic-producing Streptomyces sp. isolates obtained from the stingless-bee Tetragonisca angustula (Apidae: Meliponini). Microbiology (Reading, England). doi: 10.1099/mic.0.000754

Combined pollution of copper nanoparticles and atrazine in soil: Effects on dissipation of the pesticide and on microbiological community profiles

J.Parada; O, Rubilar; M.C, Diez; M, Cea; A, Sant’Ana da Silva; C.E, Rodríguez-Rodríguezg; G.R,Tortella. 2019. Combined pollution of copper nanoparticles and atrazine in soil: Effects on dissipation of the pesticide and on microbiological community profiles. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 361: 228-236

Cantidad de publicaciones: 12

Chapter 10 – Quality Control Measures in the Analytical Laboratory

Ruiz-Hidalgo, K., Muñoz-Rivera, A., Chinchilla-Soto, C., & Chin-Pampillo, J. (2018). Quality Control Measures in the Analytical Laboratory. In Integrated Analytical Approaches for Pesticide Management (pp. 149-163). Academic Press.

Enterococci as a key parameter for water quality index: Purires River, Costa Rica.

Chacón, L., Arias, V., Barrantes, K., Beita-Sandí, W.; Reyes, L., Achí, R. 2018. Enterococci as a key parameter for water quality index: Purires River, Costa Rica. Journal of Water and Health. (2018).

Removal of N-nitrosodimethylamine precursors by cation exchange resin: The effects of pH and calcium.

Beita-Sandí, W; Selbes, M; Kim, D; Karanfil, T. 2018. Removal of N-nitrosodimethylamine precursors by cation exchange resin: The effects of pH and calcium. Chemosphere. 211:1091-1097

Removal of Two Neonicotinoid Insecticides and Mineralization of 14 C-Imidacloprid in Biomixtures Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology.

Rodríguez‐Castillo, G; Molina‐Rodríguez, M; Pérez‐Villanueva, M; Masís‐Mora, M; Rodríguez‐Rodríguez, C.E. 2018. Removal of Two Neonicotinoid Insecticides and Mineralization of 14 C-Imidacloprid in Biomixtures Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 101(1):137-143

Pesticide monitoring and ecotoxicological risk assessment in surface water bodies and sediments of a tropical agro-ecosystem.

Carazo-Rojas, E; Peréz-Rojas, G; Pérez-Villanueva, M; Chinchilla-Soto, C; Chin-Pampillo J.S;  Aguilar-Mora, P; Alpízar-Marín, M; Masís-Mora, M Rodríguez-Rodríguez,C.E, Vryzas, Z. 2018. Pesticide monitoring and ecotoxicological risk assessment in surface water bodies and sediments of a tropical agro-ecosystem. Environmental Pollution. 241 :800-809

Impact of oxytetracycline and bacterial bioaugmentation on the efficiency and microbial community structure of a pesticide-degrading biomixture.

Castro-Gutiérrez, V., Masís-Mora, M., Carazo-Rojas, Mora-López, M; Rodríguez-Rodríguez,C.E. Impact of oxytetracycline and bacterial bioaugmentation on the efficiency and microbial community structure of a pesticide-degrading biomixture. 2018. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 25: 11787.

The role of chloramine species in NDMA formation.

Selbes M; Beita-Sandí W; Kim D; Tanju Karanfil T. 2018. The role of chloramine species in NDMA formation. Water Research. Volume 140 :100-109

Mycoremediation: Fungal mediated processes for the elimination of organic pollutants.

Rodríguez-Rodríguez, C.E., Castro-Gutiérrez, V., Tortella, G. 2018. Mycoremediation: Fungal mediated processes for the elimination of organic pollutants. In: M.S. Fuentes, V.L. Colin and J.M Saez (eds). Strategies for bioremediation of organic and inorganic pollutants. CRC Press/Taylor & Francis Group, Avingdon, UK.

Pesticides in the environment: Biobed systems as an innovative biotechnological tool to minimize pollution.

Tortella F, G., Briceño, G, Rodríguez-Rodríguez, C.E., Cuozzo, S., Rubilar, O. 2018. Pesticides in the environment: Biobed systems as an innovative biotechnological tool to minimize pollution. In: M.S. Fuentes, V.L. Colin and J.M Saez (eds). Strategies for bioremediation of organic and inorganic pollutants. CRC Press/Taylor & Francis Group, Avingdon, UK.

Removal of herbicides in a biopurification system is not negatively affected by oxytetracycline or fungally pretreated oxytetracycline.

Cambronero-Heinrichs JC; Masís-Mora M; Quirós-Fournier JP; Lizano-Fallas V; Mata-Araya I; Rodríguez-Rodríguez C.E. 2018. Removal of herbicides in a biopurification system is not negatively affected by oxytetracycline or fungally pretreated oxytetracycline. Chemosphere :198-203

Low-cost approaches for the removal of terbuthylazine from agricultural wastewater: Constructed wetlands and biopurification system.

Gikas, G; Pérez-Villanueva, M; Tsioras, M; Alexoudis, C; Pérez-Rojas, G; Masís-Mora, M; Lizano-Fallas, V; Rodríguez-Rodríguez, C.E; Vryzas, Z; Tsihrintzis, V, A.2018. Low-cost approaches for the removal of terbuthylazine from agricultural wastewater: Constructed wetlands and biopurification system. Chemical Engineering Journal. 335 :647–656

Expanding the application scope of on-farm biopurification systems: Effect and removal of oxytetracycline in a biomixture

Jiménez-Gamboa,D; Castro-Gutiérrez,V; Fernández-Fernández, E; Briceño-Guevara, S; Masís-Mora, M; Chin-Pampillo, J. S; M. Mora-López; E. Carazo-Rojas; Rodríguez-Rodríguez, C. E. 2018. Expanding the application scope of on-farm biopurification systems: Effect and removal of oxytetracycline in a biomixture. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 342: 553-560.

Cantidad de publicaciones: 8

Alternative approaches to determine the efficiency of a biomixture used for pesticide degradation in biopurification systems.

Rodríguez-Rodríguez, C.E., Castro-Gutiérrez, V., Lizano-Fallas, V. 2017. Alternative approaches to determine the efficiency of a biomixture used for pesticide degradation in biopurification systems. In: E.D. Bidoia and R.N. Montagnolli (eds). Toxicity and Biodegradation Testing, Methods in Pharmacology and Toxicology. Springer Science+Business Media LLC, Berlin. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4939-7425-2_3

Elimination of fungicides in biopurification systems: Effect of fungal bioaugmentation on removal performance and microbial community structure.

Murillo-Zamora, S; Castro-Gutierrez, V; Masís-Mora,M; Lizano-Fallas, V; Rodríguez-Rodríguez, C.E. 2017. Elimination of fungicides in biopurification systems: Effect of fungal bioaugmentation on removal performance and microbial community structure. Chemosphere. 186: 625-634.

Removal of both N-nitrosodimethylamine and trihalomethanes precursors in a single treatment using ion exchange resins

Beita-Sandí, W; Karanfil, T. 2017. Removal of both N-nitrosodimethylamine and trihalomethanes precursors in a single treatment using ion exchange resins. Water Research. 124: 20-28.

Removal of pesticides and ecotoxicological changes during thesimultaneous treatment of triazines and chlorpyrifos in biomixtures.

Lizano-Fallas, V; Masís-Mora, M; Espinoza-Villalobos, D; Lizano-Brenes, M; Rodríguez-Rodríguez, C.E. 2017. Removal of pesticides and ecotoxicological changes during thesimultaneous treatment of triazines and chlorpyrifos in biomixtures. Chemosphere. 182: 106-113

Antibiotics do not affect the degradation of fungicides and enhance the mineralization of chlorpyrifos in biomixtures.

Castillo-González, H; Pérez-Villanueva, M; Masís-Mora, M; Castro-Gutiérrez, V; Rodríguez-Rodríguez, C.E. 2017. Antibiotics do not affect the degradation of fungicides and enhance the mineralization of chlorpyrifos in biomixtures. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 139: 481– 487

Simultaneous removal of structurally different pesticides in abiomixture: Detoxification and effect of oxytetracycline.

Huete-Soto, A; Masís-Mora, M; Lizano-Fallas, V; Chin-Pampillo, J.S; Carazo-Rojas, E; Rodríguez-Rodríguez, C.E. 2017. Simultaneous removal of structurally different pesticides in abiomixture: Detoxification and effect of oxytetracycline. Chemosphere. 169: 558-567

Aging of biomixtures: Effects on carbofuran removal and microbialcommunity structure.

Castro-Gutierrez, V; Masís-Mora, M; Diez, M.C; Tortella, G. R; Rodríguez-Rodríguez, C.E. 2017. Aging of biomixtures: Effects on carbofuran removal and microbial community structure. Chemosphere. 168: 418-425

Removal of carbamates and detoxification potential in a biomixture: Fungal bioaugmentation versus traditional use.

Rodríguez-Rodríguez, C.E; Madrigal-León, K; Masís-Mora, M; Pérez-Villanueva, M; Chin-Pampillo J.S. 2017. Removal of carbamates and detoxification potential in a biomixture: Fungal crbioaugmentation versus traditional use. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 135: 252–258

Cantidad de publicaciones: 11

A microbial consortium from a biomixture swiftly degrades highconcentrations of carbofuran in fluidized-bed reactors.

Castro-Gutiérrez V; Masís-Mora M; Caminal G, Vicent T; Carazo-Rojas E, Mora-López M; Rodríguez-Rodríguez C.E. 2016. A microbial consortium from a biomixture swiftly degrades highconcentrations of carbofuran in fluidized-bed reactors. Process Biochemistry. 51: 1585–1593

Effects of oxytetracycline on the performance and activity ofbiomixtures: Removal of herbicides and mineralization of chlorpyrifos.

Huete-Soto, A; Castillo-González, H; Masís-Mora, M; Chin-Pampillo, J.S Rodríguez-Rodríguez, C.E. 2017. Effects of oxytetracycline on the performance and activity ofbiomixtures: Removal of herbicides and mineralization of chlorpyrifos. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 321: 11–8

Removal of carbofuran is not affected by co-application of chlorpyrifos in a coconut fiber/compost based biomixture after aging or pre-exposure

Chin-Pampillo, J.S; Masís-Mora, M; Ruiz-Hidalgo, K; Carazo-Rojas, E; Rodríguez-Rodríguez, C.E.  2016. Removal of carbofuran is not affected by co-application of chlorpyrifos in a coconut fiber/compost based biomixtureafter aging or pre-exposure. Journal of Environmental Sciences 46: 182–189

Granular Activated Carbon Treatment May Result in Higher Predicted Genotoxicity in the Presence of Bromide.

Krasner, S; Fen, Lee T.C; Westerhoff, P; Fischer, N; Hanigan, D; Karanfil, T; Beita-Sandí, W; Taylor-Edmonds, L; Andrews, R. 2016. Granular Activated Carbon Treatment May Result in Higher Predicted Genotoxicity in the Presence of Bromide Environmental Science and Technology :1-31

Evaluation of a recent product to remove lipids and other matrix co-extractives in the analysis of pesticide residues and environmentalcontaminants in foods.

Han,L; Matarrita, J; Sapozhnikova, Y; Lehotay, S. J. 2016. Evaluation of a recent product to remove lipids and other matrix co-extractives in the analysis of pesticide residues and environmental contaminants in foods. Journal of Chromatography. 1449(3): 17–29

Removal of N-nitrosodimethylamine precursors with powdered activated carbon adsorption.

Beita-Sandí, W; Selim Ersan, M; Uzun, H; Karanfil, T .2016. Removal of N-nitrosodimethylamine precursors with powdered activated carbon adsorption. Water Research. 88: 711-718

Influence of rice field agrochemicals on the ecological status of a tropical stream.

Rasmussen, J.J;  Reiler, E.M; Carazo, E; Matarrita,J; Muñoz,A; Cedergreenb,N. 2016. Influence of rice field agrochemicals on the ecological status of a tropical stream. Science of the Total Environment. 542, Part A, 15:12–21.

Analysis of glyphosate and aminomethylphosphonic acid in leaves from Coffea arabica using high performance liquid chromatography with quadrupole mass spectrometry detection

Schrübbers, L.C; Masís Mora, M; Carazo Rojas, E; Valverde, B; Christensen, J; Cedergreen, N. 2016. Analysis of glyphosate and aminomethylphosphonic acid in leaves from Coffea arabica using high performance liquid chromatography with quadrupole mass spectrometry detection.Talanta. 146, (1): 609–620.

Metals in coastal mollusks of Costa Rica.

Vargas, J.A; Acuña-González, J; Gómez, E; Molina, J.2016. Metals in coastal mollusks of Costa Rica. Biologia Tropical. 63 (4): 1007-1019.

Ecotoxicological analysis during the removal of carbofuran in fungal bioaugmented matrices.

Ruíz-Hidalgo, K; Masís-Mora, M; Barbieri , E; Carazo-Rojas, E; Rodríguez-Rodríguez, C.E. 2016. Ecotoxicological analysis during the removal of carbofuran in fungal bioaugmented matrices. Chemosphere. 144: 864–871.

Optimization of a Fungally Bioaugmented Biomixture for Carbofuran Removal in On-Farm Biopurification Systems

Ruiz-Hidalgo, K; Chin-Pampillo, J .S; Masís-Mora, M; Carazo-Rojas, E; Rodríguez-Rodríguez, C.E.2016.Optimization of a Fungally Bioaugmented Biomixture for Carbofuran Removal in On-Farm Biopurification Systems.Water, Air, & Soil :227-3.

Cantidad de publicaciones: 5

Adaptation of biomixtures for carbofuran degradation in on-farm biopurification systems in tropical regions

Chin-Pampillo, J.S;  Ruiz-Hidalgo, K;  Masís-Mora, M;  Carazo-Rojas, E; Rodríguez-Rodríguez,C.E.  2015. Adaptation of biomixtures for carbofuran degradation in on-farm biopurification systems in tropical regions. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 22: 9839–9848.

Biodegradation of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in liquid media and sewage sludge by Trametes versicolor

Vilaplana M; Rodríguez-Rodríguez, C.E; Barón E; Gorga M; Sarrà M; Caminal G; Eljarrat, E Barceló, D. 2015. Biodegradation of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in liquid media and sewage sludge by Trametes versicolor.Int. J. Environ. Res. 9(1): 273-280,

Design of an optimized biomixture for the degradation of carbofuran based on pesticide removal and toxicity reduction of the matrix

Chin-Pampillo, J.S; Ruiz-Hidalgo, K; Masís-Mora, M; Carazo-Rojas, E; Rodríguez-Rodríguez, C.E. 2015. Design of an optimized biomixture for the degradation of carbofuran based on pesticide removal and toxicity reduction of the matrix. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 22(23): 19184–19193

Zoonotic Species of the Genus Arcobacter in Poultry from Different Regions of Costa Rica

Valverde Bogantes, E; Fallas-Padilla, K.L; Rodriguez-Rodriguez, C.E; Fernandez Jaramillo, E; Arias Echandi, M.L. 2015. Zoonotic Species of the Genus Arcobacter in Poultry from Different Regions of Costa Rica. Journal of Food Protection. 78(4): 808–811

Fungal bioaugmentation of two rice husk-based biomixturesfor the removal of carbofuran in on-farm biopurification systems

Madrigal-Zúñiga, K;   Ruiz-Hidalgo, K; Chin-Pampillo, J.S; Masís-Mora, M; Castro-Gutiérrez, V; Rodríguez-Rodríguez, C.E. 2015. Fungal bioaugmentation of two rice husk-based biomixturesfor the removal of carbofuran in on-farm biopurification systems. Biol Fertil Soils 52(2): 243–250

Cantidad de publicaciones: 9

Degradation of selected agrochemicals by the white-rot fungus Trametes versicolor

Mir-Tutusaus J.A; Masís-Mora M; Corcellas C; Eljarrat, E; Barceló, D; Sarrà, M; Caminal G; Vicent, T; Rodríguez-Rodríguez C.E. 2014. Degradation of selected agrochemicals by the white-rot fungus Trametes versicolor Sci. Total Environ. 500-501 :235-242.

Biodegradation of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in liquid media and sewage sludge by Trametes versicolor

Vilaplana, M ; Rodríguez-Rodríguez, C.E. ; Barón, E; Gorga, M; Sarrà, M; Caminal, G; Eljarrat, E; Barceló, X. 2014. Biodegradation of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in liquid media and sewage sludge by Trametes versicolor Int. J. Environ. Res. 9: 273-280.

Degradation of carbofuran by Trametes versicolor in rice husk as a potential lignocellulosic substrate for biomixtures: from mineralization to toxicity reduction.

Ruiz-Hidalgo, K; Chin-Pampillo, J.S., Masís-Mora, M., Carazo R, E., Rodríguez-Rodríguez, C.E. 2014. 2014. Degradation of carbofuran by Trametes versicolor in rice husk as a potential lignocellulosic substrate for biomixtures: from mineralization to toxicity reduction. Process Biochemistry. 49(12) :2266–2271

Presencia de los genes de toxigenicidad nheA, nheB y nheC a partir de cepas de Bacillus cereus aisladas de leches deshidratadas en Costa Rica

Rojas, J; Rodríguez-Rodríguez, C.E; Pérez, C; Chaves, C; Arias, M.L. 2014. Presencia de los genes de toxigenicidad nheA, nheB y nheC a partir de cepas de Bacillus cereus aisladas de leches deshidratadas en Costa Rica. Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nutrición. 64.3 :192.

Accelerated biodegradation of selected nematicides in tropical crop soils from Costa Rica

Chin-Pampillo, J.S., Carazo-Rojas, E., Pérez-Rojas, G., Castro-Gutiérrez, V., Rodríguez-Rodríguez, C.E. 2014. 2014. Accelerated biodegradation of selected nematicides in tropical crop soils from Costa Rica Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 22( 2) :1240–1249.

Re-inoculation strategies enhance the degradation of emerging pollutants by fungal bioaugmentation in sewage sludge.

Rodríguez-Rodríguez, C.E., Lucas, D., Barón, E., Gago-Ferrero, P., Molins-Delgado, D., Rodríguez-Mozaz, S., Eljarrat, E., Díaz-Cruz, M.S., Barceló, D. Caminal, G., Vicent, T. 2014. 2014. Re-inoculation strategies enhance the degradation of emerging pollutants by fungal bioaugmentation in sewage sludge. Bioresource Technology. 168 :180-189.

Arcobacter: comparison of isolation methods, diversity and potential pathogenic factors in commercially distributed chicken breast samples from Costa Rica.

Fallas-Padilla, K.L., Rodríguez-Rodríguez, C.E., Fernández Jaramillo, H., Arias Echandi, M.L. 2014. 2014. Arcobacter: comparison of isolation methods, diversity and potential pathogenic factors in commercially distributed chicken breast samples from Costa Rica. Journal of Food Protection. Number 6, No 6 :872-1042.

Uso de “Pesticide Impact Rating Index (PIRI) para estimar la peligrosidad del uso de plaguicidas en el cultivo de cebolla (Allium Cepa L.)

Aguilar-Mora, P., Chin-Pampillo, J.S., Ruíz-Hidalgo, K. 2014. Uso de “Pesticide Impact Rating Index (PIRI) para estimar la peligrosidad del uso de plaguicidas en el cultivo de cebolla (Allium Cepa L.). 2014. Uso de “Pesticide Impact Rating Index (PIRI) para estimar la peligrosidad del uso de plaguicidas en el cultivo de cebolla (Allium Cepa L.) O. Mundo da Saude. 38(1) :24(30).

Validation of a GC-MS method for the estimation of dithiocarbamate fungicide residues and safety evaluation of mancozeb in fruits and vegetables.

Sumaiyya Mujawar, Sagar C. Utture, Eddie Fonseca, Jessie Matarrita, Kaushik Banerjee. 2014. Validation of a GC-MS method for the estimation of dithiocarbamate fungicide residues and safety evaluation of mancozeb in fruits and vegetables Food Chemistry. 150(1) :175–181.

Cantidad de publicaciones: 6

Biodegradation of pharmaceuticals by fungi and metabolites identification

Cruz-Morató, C.; Rodríguez-Rodríguez, C.E.; Marco-Urrea, E.; Sarrà, M.; Caminal, G.; Vicent, T.; Jelić, A.; García-Galán, M.J.; Pérez, S.; Díaz-Cruz, M.S.; Petrović, M.; Barceló, D. 2013. Biodegradation of pharmaceuticals by fungi and metabolites identification.The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry. 24 :165-213

Fungal-Mediated Degradation of Emerging Pollutants in Sewage SludgeThe Handbook of Environmental Chemistry.

Rodríguez-Rodríguez, C.E. G. Caminal, T. Vicent, M.S. Díaz-Cruz,E. Eljarrat, M. Farré, M.J. López de Alda, M. Petrović, and D. Barceló. 2013. Fungal-Mediated Degradation of Emerging Pollutants in Sewage SludgeThe Handbook of Environmental Chemistry. 24 :137-164.

Acetone-Butanol-Ethanol (ABE) Production in Fermentation of Enzymatically Hydrolyzed Cassava Flour by Clostridium beijerinckii BA101 and Solvent Separation.Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology.

Lépiz-Aguilar, L; Rodríguez-Rodríguez, C.E; Arias, M.L; Lutz, G. 2013. Acetone-Butanol-Ethanol (ABE) Production in Fermentation of Enzymatically Hydrolyzed Cassava Flour by Clostridium beijerinckii BA101 and Solvent Separation.Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 23 (8):1092-1098.

Calidad del agua del Refugio Mata Redonda y los arrozales colindantes, Guanacaste, Costa Rica.

Pérez-Castillo A.G., Barboza-Mora, R., Ramos-Matarrita F. 2013. Calidad del agua del Refugio Mata Redonda y los arrozales colindantes, Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Agronomia Mesoamericana. 24(2) :379-392.

Assessment of acute toxicity of carbofuran in Macrobrachium olfersii (Wiegmann, 1836) at different temperature levels.

Barbieri, E., Moreira, P., Luchini, L.A., Ruíz-Hidalgo, K., Muñoz, A. 2013. Assessment of acute toxicity of carbofuran in Macrobrachium olfersii (Wiegmann, 1836) at different temperature levels. 2013. Toxicology and Industrial Health.32 no. 1 :167-14

Validation of a GC–MS method for the estimation of dithiocarbamate fungicide residues and safety evaluation of mancozeb in fruits and vegetables.

Mujawar, S.; Utture, S.; Fonseca, E.; Matarrita, J.; Banerjee, K.2013. Validation of a GC–MS method for the estimation of dithiocarbamate fungicide residues and safety evaluation of mancozeb in fruits and vegetables. Food Chemistry. 150 :175-181.

Cantidad de publicaciones: 14

Biodegradation of pharmaceuticals by fungi and metabolites identification

Cruz-Morató, C.; Rodríguez-Rodríguez, C.E.; Marco-Urrea, E.; Sarrà, M.; Caminal, G.; Vicent, T.; Jelić, A.; García-Galán, M.J.; Pérez, S.; Díaz-Cruz, M.S.; Petrović, M.; Barceló, D.2012. Biodegradation of pharmaceuticals by fungi and metabolites identification.Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg. 24 :165-213.

Fungal-mediated degradation of emerging pollutants in sewage sludge.

Rodríguez-Rodríguez, C.E., Caminal, G., Vicent, T., Díaz-Cruz, M.S., Eljarrat, E., Farré, M., López de Alda, M.J., Petrović, M., Barceló, D.2012.Fungal-mediated degradation of emerging pollutants in sewage sludge. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg.24:137-164.

Hydrocarbon degrading microflora in a tropical fuel-contaminated aquifer: Assessing the feasibility of PAH bioremediation.

Castro, V.; Rodríguez, C.; Azofeifa, I.2012. Hydrocarbon degrading microflora in a tropical fuel-contaminated aquifer: Assessing the feasibility of PAH bioremediation. International Journal of Environmental Research. 6(1) : 345-352.

Removal of pharmaceuticals, polybrominated flame retardants and UV filters from sludge by the fungus Trametes versicolor in bioslurry reactor

Rodríguez-Rodríguez, C.E., Barón, E., Gago-Ferrero, P., Jelić, A., Llorca, M., Farré, M., Díaz-Cruz, S., Eljarrat, E., Petrović M., Caminal, G., Barceló, D., Vicent, T. 2012. Removal of pharmaceuticals, polybrominated flame retardants and UV filters from sludge by the fungus Trametes versicolor in bioslurry reactor. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 233 :235-243.

Bioaugmentation of sewage sludge with Trametes versicolor in solid-phase biopiles produces degradation of pharmaceuticals and affects microbial communities.

Rodríguez-Rodríguez, C.E., Jelić, A., Pereira, M.A., Sousa, D.Z., Petrović, M., Alves, M.M., Barceló, D., Caminal, G., Vicent, T.2012. Bioaugmentation of sewage sludge with Trametes versicolor in solid-phase biopiles produces degradation of pharmaceuticals and affects microbial communities. Environmental Science and Technology. 46 :12012-12020.

Biodegration of C.-labelled Carbofuran and Terbufos in cultivated soils of Cartago and Limon Provinces, Costa Rica.

*Chin, J; Carazo, E. 2012. Biodegration of C.-labelled Carbofuran and Terbufos in cultivated soils of cartago and Limon Provinces, Costa Rica. International Symposium on Managing Soils for Food Security and Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation. 23-27 . Vienna, Austria.

Integrated analytical approaches to assess indicators of the effectiven of pesticide management practices at catchment scale.

*Maestroni, B; Nario, A; Nordgard, A; Castro, C; Carazo, E; Guang-Guo, Y. 2012. Integrated analytical approaches to assess indicators of the effectiven of pesticide management practices at catchment scale. Book of abstracts 9th European pesticide residue workshop. June 25th – 28th. Vienna, Austria.

Continuous degradation of a mixture of sulfonamides by Trametes versicolor and identification of metabolites from sulfapyridine and sulfathiazole.

Rodríguez-Rodríguez, C.E.; García-Galán, M.J.; Blánquez, P.; Díaz-Cruz M.S.; Barceló, D.; Caminal, G.; Vicent, T. 2012. Continuous degradation of a mixture of sulfonamides by Trametes versicolor and identification of metabolites from sulfapyridine and sulfathiazole. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 213 :347-354.

Bioremediation of emerging pollutants from sewage sludge by fungal bioaugmentation.

Rodríguez-Rodríguez, C.E., Jelić, A., Pereira, M.A., Sousa, D.Z., Blánquez, P., Sarrà, M., Marco-Urrea, E., Petrović, M., Alves, M.M., Barceló, D., Caminal, G., Vicent, T. 2012. Bioremediation of emerging pollutants from sewage sludge by fungal bioaugmentation. Environ. Eng. Manag. J.3 (Suppl)100 :99-104.

Transgenic Crop regulation and safety. Proceedings of 4th International Symposium on Pesticides and Environmental Safety & 5th Pan Pacific Conference on Pesticide Science & 8th International Workshop on Crop Protection Chemistry and Regulatory Harmonization.

*Kleter, G; Unsworth, J; Harris, C; Shevah, Y; Rubin, B; Heinzen, H; Bodnaruk, K; Volz, D; Stephensn, G; Allelui, I; Carazo, E; Katayama, A; Kookana, R; Tiu, C. 2012. Transgenic Crop regulation and safety. Proceedings of 4th International Symposium on Pesticides and Environmental Safety & 5th Pan Pacific Conference on Pesticide Science & 8th International Workshop on Crop Protection Chemistry and Regulatory Harmonization. September 15th-20th, Beijing, P.R. China.110-111.

Degradation of UV filters in sewage sludge and 4-MBC in liquid medium by the ligninolytic fungus Trametes versicolor.

Badia-Fabregat, M.; Rodríguez-Rodríguez, C.E.; Gago-Ferrero, P.; Olivares, A.; Piña, B.; Díaz-Cruz, M.S.; Vicent, T.; Barceló, D.; Caminal, G. 2012. Degradation of UV filters in sewage sludge and 4-MBC in liquid medium by the ligninolytic fungus Trametes versicolor. J. Environ. Manage. 104:114-120.

Evaluation of growth in diesel fuel and surfactants production ability by bacteria isolated from fuels in Costa Rica.

Rodríguez-Rodríguez, C.E., Zúñiga-Chacón, C., Barboza-Solano, C.2012. Evaluation of growth in diesel fuel and surfactants production ability by bacteria isolated from fuels in Costa Rica. Revista de la Sociedad Venezolana de Microbiología. 32: 116-120.

Indicadores del uso de plaguicidas en el marco de las buenas prácticas agrícolas (BPA), en Alvarado y Oreamuno, Costa Rica.

Brenes, L; Carazo, E.2012. Indicadores del uso de plaguicidas en el marco de las buenas prácticas agrícolas (BPA), en Alvarado y Oreamuno, Costa Rica. O Mundo da Saúde. 36(4) :582-586.

Caracterización de la calidad del agua de la Quebrada Sanatorio en Tierra Blanca ubicada en una zona agrícola de la provincia de Cartago y sus implicaciones para la salud pública.

Chin, J.S.; Ruíz, K; Aguilar, P; Arias, V; Masís, M.2012.Caracterización de la calidad del agua de la Quebrada Sanatorio en Tierra Blanca ubicada en una zona agrícola de la provincia de Cartago y sus implicaciones para la salud pública. O Mundo da Saúde. 36(4) :548-555.

Estrategia educativa “Prácticas agrícolas y su relación con la salud humana”, dirigida a agricultores de la zona norte de Cartago, Costa Rica.

Alfaro, P; Brenes, L; Ruíz, K; Jiménez, M.2012. Estrategia educativa “Prácticas agrícolas y su relación con la salud humana”, dirigida a agricultores de la zona norte de Cartago, Costa Rica. O Mundo da Saúde. 36(4) :619-624.

Cantidad de publicaciones: 8

Passive samplers as a complement to punctual water and sediment sampling within the regional project GEF-REPCar reducing pesticides runoff to the Caribbean sea.

*Masís, M; Carazo, E; Acuña, J; Calderón, E; Castro, M; Pérez, G. 2011. Passive samplers as a complement to punctual water and sediment sampling within the regional project GEF-REPCar reducing pesticides runoff to the Caribbean sea. Poster Presentations 3rd Latin American Pesticide Residue Workshop, Food and Environment. May 8th-11th Montevideo, Uruguay. P. 186.

Uso de índice de calidad de agua armonizado para América Latina en la evaluación del río Purires, Cartago, Costa Rica.

*Beita, W.; Arias, V.; Molina, J. 2011. Uso de índice de calidad de agua armonizado para América Latina en la evaluación del río Purires, Cartago, Costa Rica. Propuesta de un índice de calidad de agua para la región de Latinoamérica y el Caribe.Mejora de la gestión de la contaminación de masas de aguas superficiales contaminadas con metales.Lima, Perú. Edición: Patricia Bedregal Salas. ISBN: 978-612-00-0615-3. Primera edición. :135-146.

Manual para aplicadores y agricultores: buenas prácticas de manejo de plaguicidas para una agricultura sostenible, segura y sana.

*Chavarría, P. 2011. Manual para aplicadores y agricultores: buenas prácticas de manejo de plaguicidas para una agricultura sostenible, segura y sana. Adaptado por la Fundación Limpiemos Nuestros Campos Costa Rica, de una publicación de CropLife Latin America. Adaptación y modificación: Elizabeth Carazo (CICA-UCR) y Elizabeth Chinchilla (Consejo de Seguridad Ocupacional). :102

Biodegradation of sulfamethazine by Trametes versicolor: Removal from sewage sludge and identification of intermediate products by UPLC-QqTOF-MS.

García, M.J.; Rodríguez, C.; Vincent, T., Caminal, G.; Díaz, M.S.; Barceló, D.2011. Biodegradation of sulfamethazine by Trametes versicolor: Removal from sewage sludge and identification of intermediate products by UPLC-QqTOF-MS. Science of the Total Environment. 409 :5505-5512.

Solid-phase treatment with the fungus Trametes versicolor substantially reduces pharmaceutical concentrations and toxicity from sewage sludge.

Rodríguez, C.; Jelic, A.; Llorca, M.; Farré, M.; Caminal, G.; Petrovic, M.; Barceló, D.; Vincent, T. 2011. Solid-phase treatment with the fungus Trametes versicolor substantially reduces pharmaceutical concentrations and toxicity from sewage sludge. Bioresource Technology. 102 :5602-5608.

Soil colonization by Trametes versicolor grown on lignocellulosic materials: Substrate selection and naproxen degradation.International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation.

Borrás, E.; Llorens, G.; Rodríguez, C.; Sarrá, M.; Caminal, G.2011. Soil colonization by Trametes versicolor grown on lignocellulosic materials: Substrate selection and naproxen degradation.International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation. 65: 846-852.

Butanol production by Clostridium beijerinckii BA101 using cassava flour as fermentation substrate: enzymatic versus chemical pretreatments.

Aguilar, L.; Rodríguez, C.; Arias, ML.; Lutz, G.; Ulate, W. 2011. Butanol production by Clostridium beijerinckii BA101 using cassava flour as fermentation substrate: enzymatic versus chemical pretreatments. World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology. 27: 1933-1939.

Reconnaissance of selected PPCP compounds in Costa Rican surface waters.

Spongberg, A.L.; Witter, J.D.; Acuña, J.; Vargas, J.A.; Murillo, M.; Umaña, G.; Gómez, E.; Pérez, G. 2011. Reconnaissance of selected PPCP compounds in Costa Rican surface waters. Water Research 45,(20) :6709–6717.

Cantidad de publicaciones: 7

Físico-química de las aguas superficiales de la cuenca del río Rincón, península de Osa.

Beita, W.; Barahona, M. 2010. Físico-química de las aguas superficiales de la cuenca del río Rincón, península de Osa, Costa Rica. Cuadernos de Investigación UNED. 2(2): 151-173.

Agrochemical spray drift; assessment and mitigation.

Felsot, A.; Unsworth, J.; Linders, J.; Roberts, D.; Harris, C.; Carazo, E. 2010. Agrochemical spray drift; assessment and mitigation. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B. Pesticides, Food Contaminants and Agricultural Wastes 45: 1-61.

Bioavailability of xenobiotics in the soil environment.

Arata, K.; Raj, B.; Richard, G.; Carazo, E.; Felsot, A.; Hamilton, D.; Harris, C.; Yong-Hwa, K.; Kleter, G.; Koedel, W.; Linders, J.; Peijnenburg, W.; Sabljie, A.; Stephenson, G.; Racke, K.; Baruch, R.; Tanaka, K.; Unsworth, J.; Wauchope, D. 2010. Bioavailability of xenobiotics in the soil environment. Review of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 203: 1-86.

Evaluación de las aguas de drenaje del sector de riego de Tamarindo y su influencia sobre el Parque Nacional Palo Verde.

Pérez, A.G. 2010. Evaluación de las aguas de drenaje del sector de riego de Tamarindo y su influencia sobre el Parque Nacional Palo Verde. Revista Ciencia y Tecnología. 26 (1 y 2): 71-86.

Naproxen degradation test to monitor Trametes versicolor activity in solid-state bioremediation processes.

Rodríguez, C.; Urrea, E.; Caminal, G. 2010. Naproxen degradation test to monitor Trametes versicolor activity in solid-state bioremediation processes. Journal of Hazardous Materials 179: 1152-1155.

Fungal contamination of stored automotive-fuels in a tropical environment.

Rodríguez, C.; Rodríguez, E.; Blanco, R.; Cordero, I.; Segura, D. 2010. Fungal contamination of stored automotive-fuels in a tropical environment. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 22: 1595-1601.

Degradation of naproxen and carbamazepine in spiked sludge by slurry and solid-phase Trametes versicolor systems.

Rodríguez, C.; Marco, E.; Caminal, G. 2010. Degradation of naproxen and carbamazepine in spiked sludge by slurry and solid-phase Trametes versicolor systems. Bioresource Technology. 10: 2259-2266.

Cantidad de publicaciones: 3

Aspectos prácticos de la validación e incertidumbre en medidas químicas.

*Castro, M.; Campos, C.; Peñaranda, S.; Casas, S.; Astorga, Y.; Alonso, A.; Ventura, F.; Simone, P.; Crubellati, R.; Di Risio, C.; Beita, W.; Ramírez, N.; Cordero, C.; Rovira, D.; Medina, R.2009.Aspectos prácticos de la validación e incertidumbre en medidas químicas.Buenos Aires. Argentina. Primera edición. ISBN 978-987-96413-8-5.        

Establishment of an accredited pesticide residue laboratory in Costa Rica.

*Carazo, E.2009. Establishment of an accredited pesticide residue laboratory in Costa Rica. 5th International Fresenius Conference. 28-29 September 2009, Germany.      

Bacterial contamination of automobile fuels in a tropical region: the case of Costa Rica

Rodríguez, C.; Rodríguez, E.; Blanco, R. 2009. Bacterial contamination of automobile fuels in a tropical region: the case of Costa Rica. Revista de Biología Tropical 57 .

Cantidad de publicaciones: 4

Trends in Pesticide Use on Transgenic versus Conventional Crops. Information Systems for Biotechnology (ISB).

*Kleter, G.; Bhula, R.; Bodnaruk, K.; Carazo, E.; Felsot, A.; Harris, C.; Katayama, A.; Kuiper, H.; Racke, K.; Rubin, B.; Shevah, Y.; Stephenson, G.; Tanaka, K.; Unsworth, J.; Wauchope, D.; Wong, S.2008.Trends in Pesticide Use on Transgenic versus Conventional Crops. Information Systems for Biotechnology (ISB).News Report Agricultural and Environmental Biotechnology. August 2008 :5-8 

Pesticide use in transgenic (GM) crops.

* Kleter, G.; Bhula, R.; Bodnaruk, K. ; Carazo, E.; Felsot, A.; Harris, C.; Katayama, A.; Kuiper, H.; Racke, K.; Rubin, B.; Shevah, Y.; Stephenson, G.; Tanaka, K.; Unsworth, J.; Wauchope, D.; Wong, S.2008.Pesticide use in transgenic (GM) crops. Winter School on “Research and Development Needs in Transgenic Farming Era” held at University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad from December 11-31, 2008.    

Índice fisicoquímico de la calidad de agua para el manejo de lagunas tropicales de inundación.

Pérez, A.G., Rodríguez, A. 2008. Índice fisicoquímico de la calidad de agua para el manejo de lagunas tropicales de inundación. Revista Biología Tropical. 56(4): 1905-1918.

Parámetros físico-químicos en aguas costeras de la isla del Coco, Costa Rica (2001-2007).

Acuña, J.; García, J.; Gómez, E.; Vargas, J.A. 2008. Parámetros físico-químicos en aguas costeras de la isla del Coco, Costa Rica (2001-2007). Revista Biología Tropical. 56 (Suppl. 2):49-56

Cantidad de publicaciones: 10

Flora bacteriana de la cavidad oral del mono tití (Saimiri oerstedii) y su perfil de sensibilidad a antibióticos.

Rodríguez-Rodríguez, C.E., Rodríguez-Cavallini, E., Gamboa-Coronado, M.M., Jiménez-Cuadra, S., Sánchez-Porras, R., Gutiérrez-Espeleta, G.A. 2007. Flora bacteriana de la cavidad oral del mono tití (Saimiri oerstedii) y su perfil de sensibilidad a antibióticos. Neotropical Primates, 14, 103-111.

Altered pesticide use on transgenic crops and the associated general impact from an environmental perspective.

Kleter, G.; Bhula, R.; Bodnaruk, K.; Carazo, E.; Felsot, A.; Harris, C.; Katayama, A.; Kuiper, H.; Racke, K.; Rubin, B.; Shevah, Y.; Stephenson, G.; Tanaka, K.; Unsworth, J.; Wauchope, R.; Wong, S. 2007.Altered pesticide use on transgenic crops and the associated general impact from an environmental perspective. Pesticide Management Science, May 2007.

The role of eLearning in supporting analytical laboratories.
* Carazo, E.; Ferris, I.; Gross, K.; Maestroni, B. 2007.The role of eLearning in supporting analytical laboratories.

Proceedings of 3rd International Symposium on Pesticide and Environmental Safety & 7th International Workshop on Crop Protection Chemistry and Regulatory Harmonization (October 9-13, 2007, Beijing, P.R. China). pp. 29-42.

 * Kleter, G.; Shevah, Y.; Unsworth, J.; Alleluia, I.; Bodnaruk, K.; Carazo, E.; Harris, C.; Katayama, A.; Rubin, B.; Stephenson, G.; Tiu, C. 2007.

Risk Assessment and Regulation of Transgenic Crops with a Particular Focus on Pesticides Applied to These Crops.

Proceedings of 3rd International Symposium on Pesticide and Environmental Safety & 7th International Workshop on Crop Protection Chemistry and Regulatory Harmonization (October 9-13, 2007, Beijing, P.R. China) pp. 36-42.

Respuesta de nueve palmas ornamentales a la suspensión del riego bajo un gradiente de sombra.

Gutiérrez, M.V.; Chinchilla, C.; Jiménez, K. 2007. Respuesta de nueve palmas ornamentales a la suspensión del riego bajo un gradiente de sombra. Agronomía Costarricense 31(1): 21-31.

Effect of terbufos on non-target parasitoids of Spodoptera frugiperda in maize

* Ramírez, F.; Valverde, B.; Carazo, E.; Carmiol, J. 2007.Effect of terbufos on non-target parasitoids of Spodoptera frugiperda in maize. Second FAO/IAEA/SIDA Research Coordination Meeting Agroecological Effects Resulting from the Use of Persistent Pesticides in Central America.

Una nueva especie de Adraneothrips (Thysanoptera, Tubulifera, Phalaeothripidae).

Álvarez, C.; Sánchez, C.; Retana, A. 2007. Una nueva especie de Adraneothrips (Thysanoptera, Tubulifera, Phalaeothripidae). Iheringia. Ser. Zool., Porto Alegre, 97(3):1-3.

Synthesis and characterization of Cu (II) containing PMMA co-polymer for optical applications.

Synthesis and characterization of Cu (II) containing PMMA co-polymer for optical applications. Journal of Materials Science 42: 3161-3166.

Cantidad de publicaciones: 6

Influencia del uso del suelo en la calidad del agua en la subcuenca del río Jabonal, Costa Rica.

Auquilla, R.; Astorga, Y.; Jiménez, F. 2006. Influencia del uso del suelo en la calidad del agua en la subcuenca del río Jabonal, Costa Rica. Recursos Naturales y Ambiente 48:81-92.

Grupo Bacteroides fragilis en heces humanas no diarreicas y su sensibilidad antimicrobiana.

Rodríguez, C.E., Gamboa, M.M., Rodríguez, C., Vargas, P. 2006. Grupo Bacteroides fragilis en heces humanas no diarreicas y su sensibilidad antimicrobiana. Rev. Esp. Quimioterap.19:357-362 .

Nickel biosorption by Acinetobacter baumannii and Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from industrial wastewater.

Rodríguez, C.E., Quesada, A., Rodríguez, E. 2006. Nickel biosorption by Acinetobacter baumannii and Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from industrial wastewater. Brazilian J. Microbiol.37:465-467.

Calidad bacteriológica y desechos sólidos en cinco ambientes costeros de Costa Rica.

García, V.; Acuña, J.; Vargas, J. A.; García, J. 2006. Calidad bacteriológica y desechos sólidos en cinco ambientes costeros de Costa Rica. Revista Biología Tropical.54 (Suppl.1):35-48.

A snapshot view of some vertical distributions of water parameters at a deep (200 m) station in the fjord-like Golfo Dulce, embayment, Costa Rica.

Acuña, J.; Vargas, J. A.; Córdoba, R. 2006. A snapshot view of some vertical distributions of water parameters at a deep (200 m) station in the fjord-like Golfo Dulce, embayment, Costa Rica. Revista Biología Tropical.55 (Suppl.1):193-200.

Caracterización físico-química de dos estuarios en la bahía de Golfito, Golfo Dulce, Pacífico de Costa Rica.

Acuña, J.; Silva, A.M. 2006. Caracterización físico-química de dos estuarios en la bahía de Golfito, Golfo Dulce, Pacífico de Costa Rica. Revista Biología Tropical.54 (Suppl.1):241-256.

Cantidad de publicaciones: 13

Diagnóstico del uso de insecticidas utilizados contra Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) en tomate y chile en Costa Rica.

Araya, L.; Carazo, E.; Cartín, V. 2005. Diagnóstico del uso de insecticidas utilizados contra Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) en tomate y chile en Costa Rica.Manejo Integrado de Plagas y Agroecología (Costa Rica) .75:68-76.

Costos en salud por la contaminación del aire.

Allen, P.; Vargas, C.; Araya, M.; Navarro, L.; Salas, R. 2005. Costos en salud por la contaminación del aire. Costa Rica 2001 Reporte Técnico. San José, Costa Rica. Ministerio de Salud.Setiembre 2005. 52 pp.

Modificación de una bomba calorimétrica para la extracción de aceites esenciales con CO2 en estado supercrítico.

Contreras, H.; Segnini, M.; Cicció, J.F. 2004. Modificación de una bomba calorimétrica para la extracción de aceites esenciales con CO2 en estado supercrítico. Ingeniería y Ciencia Química. 21 (1-2):25-29.

Método voltamperométrico para determinar cromo (III) en agua potable a nivel de ultratrazas
Metales traza en sedimentos costeros de Costa Rica.

Jiménez, I.; Alvarado, A.L. 2004. Método voltamperométrico para determinar cromo (III) en agua potable a nivel de ultratrazas. Ingeniería y Ciencia Química.21 (1-2):25-29.

Hidrocarburos de petróleo, disueltos y dispersos, en cuatro ambientes costeros de Costa Rica.

 Acuña, J.; Vargas, J.A.; Gómez, E.; García, J. 2004. Hidrocarburos de petróleo, disueltos y dispersos, en cuatro ambientes costeros de Costa Rica. Revista Biología Tropical.52 (Suppl. 2):43-50.

Características físico-químicas y determinación de plaguicidas en el agua de la laguna de Gandoca, Limón, Costa Rica.

 Coll, M.; Cortés, J.; Sauma, D. 2004. Características físico-químicas y determinación de plaguicidas en el agua de la laguna de Gandoca, Limón, Costa Rica. Revista Biología Tropical.53 (Suppl. 2) :33-42.

Impact of transgenic crops on the use of agrochemicals and the environment.

 Bhula, R.; Carazo, E.; Felsot, A.; Harris, C.; Katayama, A.; Kleter, G.; Kuiper, H.; Racke, K.; Rubin, B.; Sheva, Y.; Stephenson, G.; Tanaka, K.; Unsworth, J.; Wong, S. 2003. Impact of transgenic crops on the use of agrochemicals and the environment.En: Proceedings of IUPAC-KSPS Int’ 1 Workshop on Pesticides,2003, October 13-16, Seoul, Korea. 

Validación de un método para la determinación de residuos de carbamatos en aguas, usando CLAR con determinación postcolumna

 Chinchilla, J.A.; Acuña, J. 2002. Validación de un método para la determinación de residuos de carbamatos en aguas, usando CLAR con determinación postcolumna. Revista Ingeniería y Ciencia Química.20(1) :28-32.

Composición del aceite esencial de las hojas de Callistemon viminalis (Gaertn) cultivada en Costa Rica

 Cicció, J.F.; Chaverri, C.; Segnini, M. 2002. Composición del aceite esencial de las hojas de Callistemon viminalis (Gaertn) cultivada en Costa Rica. Revista Ingeniería y Ciencia Química.20(1) :14-16.

Environmental Fate Considerations for Pesticides in Tropical Ecosystems

 Carazo, E. 2002. Environmental Fate Considerations for Pesticides in Tropical Ecosystems. Chemistry of Crop Protection: Progress and Prospects in Science and Regulation.Wiley-Vch. 2:334-345.

Estudio de algunas prácticas agronómicas asociadas a la siembra de tomate y chile, utilizadas por los agricultores en Costa Rica, y su influencia en los ataques de la mosca blanca Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius)

 Araya, L.; Carazo, E.; Cartín, V. 2000. Estudio de algunas prácticas agronómicas asociadas a la siembra de tomate y chile, utilizadas por los agricultores en Costa Rica, y su influencia en los ataques de la mosca blanca Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius). Revista Manejo Integrado de Plagas. CATIE.

Metales traza en sedimentos costeros de Costa Rica.

García, J.; Acuña, J.; Vargas, J.A. 2004. Metales traza en sedimentos costeros de Costa Rica. Revista Biología Tropical.52 (Suppl. 2):51-60.

Caracterización de aerosoles en el Área Metropolitana de San José.

Mejías, J.A.; Rodríguez, A.2000.Caracterización de aerosoles en el Área Metropolitana de San José, Costa Rica.Revista Ingeniería y Ciencia Química.19(2) :81-84.

Cantidad de publicaciones: 12

Resistencia de Plutella xylostella (L.) a Bacillus thuringiensis (Berliner) en Costa Rica

Cartín, V.; Carazo, E.; Lobo, J.; Monge, L.A.; Araya, L. 1999. Resistencia de Plutella xylostella (L.) a Bacillus thuringiensis (Berliner) en Costa Rica. Revista Manejo Integrado de Plagas (Costa Rica) (54): 31-36, 1999.

Persistence of endosulfan and its metabolites in tomato plants and soil
Carazo, E.; Barquero, M.; Valverde, B. 1999. Persistence of endosulfan and its metabolites in tomato plants and soil. Use of nuclear and related techniques in studies of agroecological effects resulting from the use of persistent pesticides in Central America. Report of a final Research Co-ordination Meeting, organized by the Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture and held in Panamá City, Panamá. 20-24 April 1998. IAEA-TECDOC-1116 International Atomic Energy Agency, September 1999.

Impact of terbufos on Cotesia flavipes (Cameron), a parasitoid of Diatraea saccharalis (F.)

* Vargas, E.; Valverde, B.; Carazo, E. 1999. Impact of terbufos on Cotesia flavipes (Cameron), a parasitoid of Diatraea saccharalis (F.). Use of nuclear and related techniques in studies of agroecological effects resulting from the use of persistent pesticides in Central America. Report of a final Research Co-ordination Meeting, organized by the Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture and held in Panamá City, Panamá. 20-24 April 1998. IAEA-TECDOC-1116 International Atomic Energy Agency, September 1999.

Management of white flies (Bemisia tabaci, Gennadius) in tomato with a combination of plastic mulch and insecticides in Costa Rica

* Cubillo, D.; Hilje, L.; Valverde, B.; Carazo, E. 1999. Management of white flies (Bemisia tabaci, Gennadius) in tomato with a combination of plastic mulch and insecticides in Costa Rica. Use of nuclear and related techniques in studies of agroecological effects resulting from the use of persistent pesticides in Central America. Report of a final Research Co-ordination Meeting, organized by the Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture and held in Panamá City, Panamá. 20-24 April 1998. IAEA-TECDOC-1116 International Atomic Energy Agency, September 1999.

Diagnóstico del uso de insecticidas para el combate de Plutella xylostella en Costa Rica

Araya, L.; Monge, L.A.; Carazo, E.; Cartín, V. 1999. Diagnóstico del uso de insecticidas para el combate de Plutella xylostella en Costa Rica. Manejo Integrado de Plagas (Costa Rica) (52): 49-61, 1999.

Persistence of terbufos and its metabolites in soil and maize

*Carazo, E.; Valverde, B.E.; Rodríguez, O.M.; Barquero, M. 1997. Persistence of terbufos and its metabolites in soil and maize. Environmental Behaviour of Crop Protection Chemicals. In: Proceedings of an International Symposium on the use of nuclear and related techniques for studying environmental behaviour of crop protection chemicals. IAEA/FAO, 1-5 July 1996.

Residuos de plaguicidas en la zona de influencia del proyecto de riego Arenal Tempisque

*Rodríguez, O.M. 1997. Residuos de plaguicidas en la zona de influencia del proyecto de riego Arenal Tempisque. Informe final del proyecto “Residuos en la vida silvestre dentro de la zona de riego del programa de riego Arenal-Tempisque, Convenio UCR-SENARA”. Centro de Investigación en Contaminación Ambiental. Universidad de Costa Rica.

Vigilancia de la calidad de las aguas superficiales en la zona de influencia del proyecto de riego Arenal Tempisque

*Rodríguez, A. 1997. Vigilancia de la calidad de las aguas superficiales en la zona de influencia del proyecto de riego Arenal Tempisque. Informe final del proyecto “Estudio sobre la calidad química de las aguas utilizadas actualmente en el distrito de riego Arenal-Tempisque (DRAT) mediante un plan de vigilancia”. Convenio UCR-SENARA”. Centro de Investigación en Contaminación Ambiental. Universidad de Costa Rica.

Monitoreo de vectores. Proyecto de Riego Arenal Tempisque (DRAT)

*Vargas, M. 1997. Monitoreo de vectores. Proyecto de Riego Arenal Tempisque (DRAT). Centro de Investigación en Enfermedades Tropicales. Universidad de Costa Rica.

Insecticidas y resistencia. Metodología para el estudio y manejo de moscas blancas y geminivirus

Carazo, E.; Martínez, J.; Bustamante, M. 1996. Insecticidas y resistencia. Metodología para el estudio y manejo de moscas blancas y geminivirus. Turrialba, Costa Rica. Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE). Unidad de Fitoprotección. 1996. 150 pp.

Plaguicidas organoclorados en suelos de la Región Caribe de Costa Rica

Mora, M.; Rodríguez, O.M. 1996. Plaguicidas organoclorados en suelos de la Región Caribe de Costa Rica. Revista Ingeniería y Ciencia Química. Vol. 16 (1): 37-40 1996.

Influencia de la actividad del volcán Poás sobre la química de las aguas de lluvia en la región de Tacares, Costa Rica

Rodríguez, A.; Ugarte, J.; Álvarez, M.; Klockow, D. 1995. Influencia de la actividad del volcán Poás sobre la química de las aguas de lluvia en la región de Tacares, Costa Rica. Revista Ingeniería y Ciencia Química. Vol. 15 (2): 42-47 1996.

Cantidad de publicaciones: 15

Uso de plaguicidas de reconocida peligrosidad

García, J. 1994. Uso de plaguicidas de reconocida peligrosidad. Repertorio Científico (UNED) 2 (1): 29-35 1994.

Causas del mal uso de los plaguicidas (con énfasis en Costa Rica)

García, J. 1994. Causas del mal uso de los plaguicidas (con énfasis en Costa Rica). Tecnología en Marcha. Vol. 12, (4): 25-37.

Plaguicidas como contaminantes

García, J. 1993. Plaguicidas como contaminantes. Turrialba. Vol. 43. (3): 221-229, trimestre julio-setiembre 1993.

Los plaguicidas y el combate de plagas agrícolas en Costa Rica

García, J. 1993. Los plaguicidas y el combate de plagas agrícolas en Costa Rica. Agronomía Costarricense 17 (1): 121-133 1993.

Los conocimientos tradicionales y el combate de plagas en América Central: Revisión de los archivos del ICECU

Monge, J.E.; García, J. 1993. Los conocimientos tradicionales y el combate de plagas en América Central: Revisión de los archivos del ICECU. Revista Manejo Integrado de Plagas (Costa Rica) (28): 57-63, 1993.

Importancia de los residuos y subproductos de la agricultura

Rodríguez, A.; Camacho, H. 1993. Importancia de los residuos y subproductos de la agricultura. Revista Ingeniería 3 (3): 11-15, 1993, San José, Costa Rica.

Disminución del contenido de tripolifosfato de sodio en los detergentes aniónicos de uso más común en Costa Rica

Ugalde M.P.; Rodríguez, A. 1993. Disminución del contenido de tripolifosfato de sodio en los detergentes aniónicos de uso más común en Costa Rica. Tecnología en Marcha. Vol. 11. (4): 37-44, 1993.

Contaminación por petróleo en la costa Caribe de Costa Rica

Acuña, J. 1993. Contaminación por petróleo en la costa Caribe de Costa Rica. Organization of American States. El manejo de ambientes y recursos costeros en América Latina y el Caribe. Vol. 2, octubre 1993.

Límites máximos de residuos de plaguicidas en productos alimenticios de origen vegetal: situación en Costa Rica

García, J. 1992. Límites máximos de residuos de plaguicidas en productos alimenticios de origen vegetal: situación en Costa Rica. Agronomía Costarricense 16(1): 153-162, 1992.

Caracterización de algunos detergentes domésticos de uso común en Costa Rica y evaluación de sus propiedades limpiadoras

Ugalde M.P.; Rodríguez, A. 1992. Caracterización de algunos detergentes domésticos de uso común en Costa Rica y evaluación de sus propiedades limpiadoras. Tecnología en Marcha. Vol. 11. (3): 85-90, 1992.

Simultaneous separation and determination of hydrocarbons and organochlorine compounds by using a two-step microcolumn

Rodríguez, O.M.; Desideri, P.G.; Lepri, L.; Checchini, L. 1991. Simultaneous separation and determination of hydrocarbons and organochlorine compounds by using a two-step microcolumn. Journal of Chromatography, 555 (1991) 221-228.

Clasificación de las aguas de consumo público de Costa Rica según su dureza total

Ugalde, M.P.; Rodríguez, A. 1991. Clasificación de las aguas de consumo público de Costa Rica según su dureza total. Tecnología en Marcha. Vol. 11. (2): 23-27, 1991.

Paraquat behavior in Costa Rica soils and residues in coffee

Constenla, M. A.; Riley, D.; Kennedy, S.; Rojas, C.; Mora, L.E.; Stevens, J. 1990. Paraquat behavior in Costa Rica soils and residues in coffee. Journal Agric. Food Chem. (38): 1985-1988, 1990.

Método de determinación de residuos de oxidemetón-metil y demetón-S-metil-sulfona en plantas de trigo (Triticum aestivum L.) y suelo por cromatografía de gases

García, J. E. 1990. Método de determinación de residuos de oxidemetón-metil y demetón-S-metil-sulfona en plantas de trigo (Triticum aestivum L.) y suelo por cromatografía de gases. Revista Agroquímica Tecnol. Aliment., 30/3, 1990, pp. 403-408.

Distribución estacional de la carga contaminante a lo largo del río Grande de Tárcoles, Costa Rica

Cantidad de publicaciones: 14

Tolerancia de la mosca del Mediterráneo (Ceratitis capitata,Wiedmann) al insecticida malation

Aguilar, M.A.; Camacho, H. 1989. Tolerancia de la mosca del Mediterráneo (Ceratitis capitata,Wiedmann) al insecticida malation. Revista Biología Tropical 37(1): 75-78, 1989

Acidez del agua de lluvia en la ciudad de San Ramón, Alajuela, Costa Rica, 1983-1985

Acuña, J.; Chacón, B.; Montero, J. 1989. Acidez del agua de lluvia en la ciudad de San Ramón, Alajuela, Costa Rica, 1983-1985. Tecnología en Marcha Vol. 9 (3): 61-67, 1989.

Fluctuación de la población de la Mosca del Mediterráneo Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Díptera: Tephritidae) en dos huertos frutales en Costa Rica

Camacho, H. 1988. Fluctuación de la población de la Mosca del Mediterráneo Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Díptera: Tephritidae) en dos huertos frutales en Costa Rica.

Manejo Integrado de Plagas (8): 1-11, junio 1988.

Contaminación industrial del aire por plomo

Camacho, H.; Avendaño, A. 1988. Contaminación industrial del aire por plomo. Ingeniería, Ciencia y Química. Vol. 12, (1-2): 21-23, 1988.

Un modelo cuatrimestre-bimestre para estimar la variación de la carga orgánica en aguas superficiales

Sequeira, M.A.; Chacón, B. 1987. Un modelo cuatrimestre-bimestre para estimar la variación de la carga orgánica en aguas superficiales. Tecnología en Marcha. Vol. 8 (2-3).

Metales pesados en los ríos Virilla y Grande de Tárcoles, Costa Rica

Ramírez, J. M.; Sequeira, M. A.; Chacón, B. 1987. Metales pesados en los ríos Virilla y Grande de Tárcoles, Costa Rica. Ingeniería y Ciencia Química. Vol. 11 (2-3) 1987.

Helisoma trivolvis: huésped intermediario de Angiostrongylus costaricensis

Camacho, H. 1987. Helisoma trivolvis: huésped intermediario de Angiostrongylus costaricensis. Brenesia 27: 75-79, 1987.

Estudio preliminar sobre la contaminación por petróleo en la Región Norte del Caribe de Costa Rica – Mayo, 1986

Acuña, J.; Murillo, M. 1987. Estudio preliminar sobre la contaminación por petróleo en la Región Norte del Caribe de Costa Rica – Mayo, 1986. Ingeniería y Ciencia Química. Vol. 11 (1): 27-29, 1987.

Estudio del contenido de metales en conservas vegetales producidas en Costa Rica

Aiello, J.; Rodríguez, O.M.; Chacón, J. 1987. Estudio del contenido de metales en conservas vegetales producidas en Costa Rica. Ingeniería y Ciencia Química. Vol. 11 (1): 7-13, 1987.

El combate integrado de plagas: opción ante los problemas derivados del uso de plaguicidas

Camacho, H. 1986. El combate integrado de plagas: opción ante los problemas derivados del uso de plaguicidas. Biocenosis 2 (3-4): 43-45, enero-junio 1986.


Carazo, E. 1986. Agroquímicos. Setiembre Científico 3: Suelos y Agricultura. Editorial Universidad Estatal a Distancia. San José, Costa Rica, 1986. pp. 35-41.

Estudio de la contaminación por petróleo en la costa Caribe de Costa Rica: 1981-1985

Acuña, J.; Mata, A.J.; Murillo, M.; Cortés, J. 1987. Estudio de la contaminación por petróleo en la costa Caribe de Costa Rica: 1981-1985. Carib. Journal Science 23(1): 41-49 1987.

Análisis de plaguicidas organoclorados en grasa humana en población costarricense sin riesgo ocupacional

Barquero, M.; Constenla, M. 1987. Análisis de plaguicidas organoclorados en grasa humana en población costarricense sin riesgo ocupacional. Ingeniería y Ciencia Química. Vol. 11 (1): 15-18, 1987.

Sorción, desorción y movilidad de metamidofós y carbofurán en 10 suelos costarricenses

González, G.; Carazo, E. 1986. Sorción, desorción y movilidad de metamidofós y carbofurán en 10 suelos costarricenses. Agronomía Costarricense 10 (1/2): 121-128. 1986.

Cantidad de publicaciones: 30

Residuos de plaguicidas organoclorados en tejido adiposo humano en Costa Rica

Barquero, M.; Constenla, M. 1986. Residuos de plaguicidas organoclorados en tejido adiposo humano en Costa Rica. Revista Biología Tropical 34 (1): 7-12, 1985.

Tratamiento de aguas servidas domésticas mediante filtros de percolación: una opción razonable

Rodríguez, A. 1985. Tratamiento de aguas servidas domésticas mediante filtros de percolación: una opción razonable. Desarrollo 2: 24-26. 1985.

Residuos de DDT y sus metabolitos en grasa humana en el Valle Central de Costa Rica

Barquero, M.; Thiel, R. 1985. Residuos de DDT y sus metabolitos en grasa humana en el Valle Central de Costa Rica. Ciencia y Tecnología 9 (1,2): 39-43, 1985.

Los detergentes y la contaminación del ambiente

Rodríguez, A.; Mata, A.; Chacón, B. 1985. Los detergentes y la contaminación del ambiente. Biocenosis 1 (4): 15-16 (5). Abril-junio 1985.

Estudio sobre el contenido de metales pesados en los ríos del Área Metropolitana de Costa Rica

Ramírez, J.M.; Sequeira, M.A.; Chacón, B. 1985. Estudio sobre el contenido de metales pesados en los ríos del Área Metropolitana de Costa Rica. Ingeniería y Ciencia Química. Vol. 9 (1): 11-13, 1985.

Uso del jacinto de agua (Eichornia crassipes) para la depuración de aguas contaminadas con cromo

Rodríguez, L.; Rodríguez, A. 1984. Uso del jacinto de agua (Eichornia crassipes) para la depuración de aguas contaminadas con cromo. Tecnología en Marcha. Vol. 7 (1): 19-23, abril-junio 1984.

Studies of Methamidophos-C-14 in Costa Rican vegetables and soils

Carazo, E.; Constenla, M.; Fuentes, G. 1984. Studies of Methamidophos-C-14 in Costa Rican vegetables and soils. Chemosphere 13 (8): 939-943, 1984.

Prevalencia de toxoplasmosis en el cantón de Pococí

Quesada, A.; Barquero, M.; Cuernavaca, A.; Venegas, G. 1984. Prevalencia de toxoplasmosis en el cantón de Pococí. Acta Médica Costarricense. Vol. 27: 102-106, 1984.

Eutrofización del río Grande de Tárcoles

Chacón, B.; Gómez, R.; Mata, A. 1984. Eutrofización del río Grande de Tárcoles. Tecnología en Marcha. Vol. 7 (1): 11-17, abril-junio 1984.

Determinación de plaguicidas organoclorados en leche materna en Costa Rica

Umaña, V.; Constenla, M. 1984. Determinación de plaguicidas organoclorados en leche materna en Costa Rica. Revista Biología Tropical 32 (2): 233-239, 1984.

Contaminación de las aguas superficiales de la cuenca 24: Grande de Tárcoles

Chacón, B.; Sequeira, M.A. 1984. Contaminación de las aguas superficiales de la cuenca 24: Grande de Tárcoles. Tecnología en Marcha. Vol. 7 (2): 37-44, julio-setiembre 1984.

Comportamiento de la carga orgánica en la cuenca 24: Virilla-Tárcoles, Costa Rica

Chacón, B.; Sequeira, M.A. 1984. Comportamiento de la carga orgánica en la cuenca 24: Virilla-Tárcoles, Costa Rica. Tecnología en Marcha. Vol. 7 (3): 27-34, octubre-diciembre 1984.

Calidad de las aguas de los ríos Toyogres y San Nicolás, Cartago, Costa Rica, 1980-1982

Rodríguez, A.; Mata, A.; Chacón, B. 1984. Calidad de las aguas de los ríos Toyogres y San Nicolás, Cartago, Costa Rica, 1980-1982. Tecnología en Marcha. Vol. 6 (4): 3-7, enero-marzo 1984.

Análisis de residuos de plomo en repollo en Costa Rica

Mora, L.; Carazo, E.; Fuentes, G.; Constenla, M.; Rodríguez, L. 1984. Análisis de residuos de plomo en repollo en Costa Rica. Agronomía Costarricense 8 (2): 161-165, 1984.

Diagnóstico sobre el uso y manejo de plaguicidas en las fincas hortícolas del Valle Central de Costa Rica

Aráuz, L.F.; Carazo, E.; Mora, D. 1983. Diagnóstico sobre el uso y manejo de plaguicidas en las fincas hortícolas del Valle Central de Costa Rica. Informe preliminar. Agronomía y Ciencia 1 (3): 37-49, 1983.

Consideraciones generales sobre los residuos de plaguicidas en cultivos hortícolas en Costa Rica

Carazo, E. 1983. Consideraciones generales sobre los residuos de plaguicidas en cultivos hortícolas en Costa Rica. Agronomía y Ciencia 1 (3): 61-66, 1983.

Persistencia y absorción de plaguicidas

Constenla, M.A. 1982. Persistencia y adsorción de plaguicidas. En: Contaminación ambiental: un enfoque multidisciplinario. Editorial Tecnológico de Costa Rica, pp. 133-135, 1982.

Niveles de agentes tensoactivos aniónicos en las aguas de la cuenca del Virilla-Grande de Tárcoles, Costa Rica

Chacón, B.; Rodríguez, A.; Mata, A.; Garro, M. 1982. Niveles de agentes tensoactivos aniónicos en las aguas de la cuenca del Virilla-Grande de Tárcoles, Costa Rica. Tecnología en Marcha. Vol. 5 (3): 3-8, octubre-diciembre 1982.

La estructura salina del estero de Puntarenas y manglares adyacentes

Mata, A.; Chacón, B.; Rodríguez, A. 1982. La estructura salina del estero de Puntarenas y manglares adyacentes. En: Contaminación ambiental: un enfoque multidisciplinario. Editorial Tecnológico de Costa Rica, pp. 33-37, 1982.

La contaminación fluvial y la producción agrícola

Rodríguez, A.; Salas, W.; Chacón, B. 1982. La contaminación fluvial y la producción agrícola. En: Contaminación ambiental: un enfoque multidisciplinario. Editorial Tecnológico de Costa Rica, pp. 137-141, 1982.

La contaminación del mar por petróleo

Mata, A. 1982. La contaminación del mar por petróleo. En: Contaminación ambiental: un enfoque multidisciplinario. Editorial Tecnológico de Costa Rica, pp. 17-25, 1982.

La contaminación ambiental

Mata, A. 1982. La contaminación ambiental. Tecnología en Marcha. Vol. 5 (1 – 2): 9-15 Abril-setiembre 1982.

Degradación y comportamiento de 14C-Carbaril en dos suelos brasileños

Carazo, E.; Flores, E.; Wiendl, F.M.; Lord, K.A.; Bromilow, R. 1982. Degradación y comportamiento de 14C-Carbaril en dos suelos brasileños. Agronomía Costarricense 6 (1/2): 81-86, 1982.

Calidad de los desechos líquidos en la industria de la curtición en Costa Rica: una estimación cuantitativa

Chacón, B.; Rodríguez, A.; Sánchez, M. 1982. Calidad de los desechos líquidos en la industria de la curtición en Costa Rica: una estimación cuantitativa. Tecnología en Marcha. Vol. 5 (1-2): 25-28, abril- setiembre 1982.

Contaminación de aguas subterráneas con productos químicos: un caso práctico

Chacón, B.; Chacón, J. 1982. Contaminación de aguas subterráneas con productos químicos: un caso práctico. En: Contaminación ambiental: un enfoque multidisciplinario. Editorial Tecnológico de Costa Rica, pp. 123-131, 1982.

Programa de computadora para un estudio ambiental en Guanacaste, Costa Rica

Chacón, J.; Chacón, B.; Mata, A. 1981. Programa de computadora para un estudio ambiental en Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Tecnología en Marcha. Vol. 4 (1): 3-8, 1981.

Evaluación química del agua subterránea en la cuenca superior del río Cañas, Guanacaste, Costa Rica

Chacón, J.; Chacón, B.; Rodríguez, A. 1981. Evaluación química del agua subterránea en la cuenca superior del río Cañas, Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Ingeniería y Ciencia Química 1(5), 1981.

Estudio de las condiciones químicas del agua subterránea de la cuenca superior del río Cañas, Guanacaste

Chacón, B.; Chacón, J.; Mata, A. 1981. Estudio de las condiciones químicas del agua subterránea de la cuenca superior del río Cañas, Guanacaste. Agronomía Costarricense 5 (1/2): 135-139, 1981.

El uso de aguas contaminadas en la irrigación de vainica (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)

Salas, W.; Chacón, B.; Rodríguez, A.; Fuguls, R. 1981. El uso de aguas contaminadas en la irrigación de vainica (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Estudio preliminar en sus consecuencias. Ingeniería y Ciencia Química 61-65, 1981.

Contaminación por nitratos en aguas subterráneas de la cuenca superior del río Cañas, Guanacaste

Chacón, B.; Chacón, J. 1981. Contaminación por nitratos en aguas subterráneas de la cuenca superior del río Cañas, Guanacaste. Agronomía Costarricense, pp. 183-186, 1981.

Cantidad de publicaciones: 9

The sorption of carbaryl on soils determined by spectrophotometric and radiometric techniques

Carazo, E.; Lord, K.; Flores, E. 1979. The sorption of carbaryl on soils determined by spectrophotometric and radiometric techniques. Turrialba. Vol. 29, (3): 159-162, trimestre julio-setiembre 1979.

Los agentes tensoactivos en el proceso de aereación

Chacón, B.; Mata, A. 1979. Los agentes tensoactivos en el proceso de aereación. Ingeniería y Ciencia Química 3 (3): 127-131, 1979.

Contaminación del río Bermúdez, Alajuela

Cordero, A.; Chacón, B.; Rodríguez, A. 1979. Contaminación del río Bermúdez, Alajuela. Agronomía Costarricense 3(2): 109-113, 1979.

Residuos, degradación y comportamiento de la ametrina en un vertisol de Guanacaste, Costa Rica

León, L.; Constenla, M.; Bornemiza, E. 1978. Residuos, degradación y comportamiento de la ametrina en un vertisol de Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Turrialba. Vol. 28, (1): 3-7, trimestre enero-marzo 1978.

Los efectos de los detergentes en el agua

Mata, A., Chacón, B. 1978. Los efectos de los detergentes en el agua. Ingeniería y Ciencia Química 2(3): 55-58, 1978.

Residuos de insecticidas organofosforados en repollo (Brassica oleracea var. capitata)

Carazo, E.; Constenla, M.; Fuentes, G. 1976. Residuos de insecticidas organofosforados en repollo (Brassica oleracea var. capitata). Turrialba. Vol. 26, (4): 321-325, trimestre octubre-diciembre 1976.

Estudio químico de las características de irrigación de las aguas tributarias del Embalse Arenal

Corrales, R.; Chacón, B. 1976. Estudio químico de las características de irrigación de las aguas tributarias del Embalse Arenal. Revista del Colegio de Químicos e Ingenieros Químicos de Costa Rica 3 (6): 7-13, 1976.

Los fluoruros de aguas potables de Costa Rica

Chacón, B.; Acuña, A.; Ortiz, E. 1971. Los fluoruros de aguas potables de Costa Rica. Revista de la Universidad de Costa Rica 30: 157-163, 1971.

Contenido de iodo en aguas de consumo de Costa Rica

Ortiz, E.; Chacón, B.; Álvarez, M. 1971. Contenido de iodo en aguas de consumo de Costa Rica. Revista del Colegio de Químicos e Ingenieros Químicos de Costa Rica. Vol. 1, (3): 113-118, 1971.

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